Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 440 results
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AIDEMOC: AI demokratian tukemisessa - AI for Reinforcing Democracy
Wessberg, N. (PI), Sigfrids, A. (Participant), Karvonen, A. (Participant), Leikas, J. (Participant) & Lanne, M. (Participant)
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Project: Academy of Finland project
GROW: Growing sustainable bioproducts from industrial side streams
Pääkkönen, E. (Manager), Seppänen, T. (Participant), Mäkelä, M. (Participant), Rummukainen, H. (Participant) & Torvinen, K. (Owner)
1/11/24 → 31/10/26
Project: Business Finland project
NORDLEAD: Cultivating Nordic lead markets: Cross-border collaboration as a catalyst for internationalization
Pihlajamaa, M. (Manager), Valovirta, V. (Participant), Hämäläinen, H. (Participant), Komonen, P. (Participant) & Suominen, A. (Participant)
16/09/24 → 15/09/26
Project: Business Finland project
Cynergy4MIE: Leverage synergy by cyber-physical systems for the convergence of the eco systems mobility, infrastructure and energy in the circular economy for the Society 5.0
Koskinen, S. (Manager), Morits, D. (Participant), Ruotsalainen, K. (Participant), Lilja, J. (Participant) & Kutila, M. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
Future proofing Finlands Strategic Competitiveness and Innovation System for a New Geopolitical Era
Suominen, A. (PI), Deschryvere, M. (Participant), Lehtinen, S. (Participant) & Martins, J. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Business Finland project
SANE: Safety Assessment of Non-Electric uses of nuclear energy
Tulkki, V. (Manager), Kurki, J. (Participant), Ikonen, J.-P. (Participant), Komu, R. (Participant), Karola, E. (Participant), Bajamundi, C. J. (Participant), Sihvonen, T. (Participant), Helminen, A. (Participant), Immonen, E. (Participant), Lindroos, T. J. (Participant), Huhtinen, S. (Participant), Airola, M. (Participant), Wessberg, N. (Participant) & Karppinen, I. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
BALTIC-FIT: Twinning to enable Baltic Sea vessels to meet Fit-for-55 regulations
Rahikainen, J. (Manager), Manderbacka, T. (Owner), Perälä, I. (Participant), Happonen, K. (Participant), Hänninen, S. (Participant), Martio, J. (Participant) & Sassi, J. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
KOSKE: Korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien osaamiskeskuksen asiakassegmenttien tunnistaminen ja niiden välinen palveluiden vaikutusten vertailu
Naumanen, M. (Manager), Ylén, P. (Participant) & Pajula, J. (Participant)
1/08/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
GOWELL: Governance of new technologies towards sustainability and well-being
Lehenkari, J. (PI), Lähteenmäki-Smith, K. (CoPI), Valovirta, V. (Participant), Pihlajamaa, M. (Participant), Leväsluoto, J. (Participant), Hämäläinen, H. (Participant), Ailisto, H. (Participant), Lähteenmäki, J. (Participant), Nurmi, O. (Participant) & Valkokari, K. (Owner)
1/08/24 → 31/07/26
Project: Business Finland project
HEVI2024: Kansalliset päästöjen vertailumittaukset 2024-2025
Pellikka, T. (Manager) & Kajolinna, T. (Participant)
4/06/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Finnish government project
IEA EBC - Annex 93 - Energy Resilience of the Buildings in Remote Cold Regions
Rehman, H. (PI), Ala-Juusela, M. (Participant), Krohns-Välimäki, H. (Participant) & Ramesh, R. (Participant)
1/06/24 → 31/07/29
Project: Research
DistriMuSe: Distributed Multi-Sensor Systems For Human Safety And Health
Plomp, J. (Manager), Leikas, J. (Participant) & Heinisuo, E. (Participant)
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Project: EU project
OptiPEx: Optimizing Passenger Experience in Public Transport
Kallio, J. (Manager), Järvinen, S. (Participant), Lahti, J. (Participant), Jokinen, T. (Participant), Kinnula, A. (Participant), Vildjiounaite, E. (Participant), Mäkelä, S.-M. (Participant) & Pihlajamaa, O. (Participant)
1/05/24 → 31/10/27
Project: EU project
REUSIFY: From Single Use to Reuse of Packaging
Oksanen, A. (Manager), Harlin, A. (Owner), Sundqvist, H. (Participant), Kaipia, R. (Participant), Christophliemk, H. (Participant), Kataja, K. (Participant) & Salo, M. (Participant)
1/03/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Business Finland project
Fold2: Novel folding technology for light-weight design structures and protective packaging
Kouko, J. (Manager), Ketoja, J. (Owner), Siilasto, R. (Participant), Oksanen, A. (Participant), Seisto, A. (Participant), Kraft, M. (Participant), Palmu, M. (Participant), Kankkunen, T. (Participant) & Reiman, T. (Participant)
1/03/24 → 28/02/26
Project: Business Finland project
READJUST: Just transition to a green and digital future for all
Wessberg, N. (PI), Tuominen, T. (Participant), Sigfrids, A. (Participant), Tuominen, A. (Participant) & Leinonen, A. (Participant)
1/03/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
CONVEY: nordiC hydrOgen eNergy VallEY
Mäki, K. (Manager), Thomasson, T. (Participant), Wallin, A. (Participant), Saini, A. (Participant) & Ramesh, R. (Participant)
1/03/24 → 28/02/29
Project: EU project
FINNPASS: Tuotepassien kansallinen koordinaatio
Keränen, J. (Manager), Valtanen, K. (Participant), Orko, I. (Participant) & Hanf, M. (Participant)
12/02/24 → 28/02/25
Project: Other
NecoProp: Efficient propulsion for climate neutral cruise ship
Perälä, I. (Manager)
1/02/24 → 30/03/26
Project: Business Finland project
4Growth: Digital Agriculture and Forestry: Understanding the Market to Forecast and Support Future Growth
Hajikhani, A. (Manager), Vainikainen, S. (Participant) & Tahvanainen, A.-J. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
W2W: A Wood-to-Wood Cascade Upcycling Valorisation Approach
Martins, J. (Manager), Ashouri, S. (Participant), Cole, C. (Participant), Hajikhani, A. (Participant), Oksanen, J. (Participant) & Leinonen, A. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
DEEPlasma: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Plasma Turbulence Predictions in Fusion Reactors
Järvinen, A. (Manager) & Jordan, D. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Academy of Finland project
K-CCRI: Knowledge hub to leverage existing initiatives and projects to foster the adoption of Circular economy in Cities and Regions In Europe
Paiho, S. (Manager), Wessberg, N. (Participant) & Kuusisto, J. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
ESCIB: Developing environmental sustainability & circularity assessment methodologies for industrial bio-based systems
Pihkola, H. (Manager), Behm, K. (Participant), Paronen, E. (Participant), Hylkilä, E. (Participant), Sarvola, I.-M. (Participant), Kujanpää, L. (Participant), Wessberg, N. (Participant) & Lehtinen, S. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
CLEANER: Clean Heat and Power from Hydrogen
Lehmuskoski, J. (Manager), Ihonen, J. (Participant), Daniel, L. (Participant) & Alimbekova, A. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
BIG LEAP: NextGeneration of Battery Management Systems to increase Interoperability, bridge the Gap between 1st and SL-BESS, Extend Adaptability and emPower battery value chains
Saha, P. (Manager), Urishov, D. (Participant), Singh, P. (Participant), Hentunen, A. (Owner), Zeb, A. (Participant) & Rainio, K. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 1/07/27
Project: EU project
LITHOS: Cost-effective processing and refining of lithium into lithium hydroxide from strategic European multi-mineral lithium hard-rock projects
Kinnunen, P. (Manager), Paavola, M. (Participant), Bomberg, M. (Participant), Miettinen, H. (Participant), Oksanen, E. (Participant), Pasanen, A. (Participant), Louhola, O. (Participant), Tenhunen, J. (Participant) & Havisto, J. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 30/06/27
Project: EU project
CirclesOfLife: Enhancing material CIRCularity and Lower Emissions of Ship building processes in all phases of the LIFE cycle
Hänninen, S. (Manager), Sassi, J. (Participant), Harju, N. (Participant), Pohjalainen, E. (Participant) & Wahlström, M. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
MISSION: Maritime just-in-time optimization interoperable port call and voyage optimization tool
Sassi, J. (Manager), Manderbacka, T. (Owner), Rahikainen, J. (Participant), Zou, G. (Participant), Martio, J. (Participant), Hinkka, V. (Participant) & Pannila, N. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 30/06/27
Project: EU project
Flex-CPT: Flexible Clean Propulsion Technologies
Pettinen, R. (Manager), Tuominen, T. (Participant), Westerholm, M. (Participant), Söderena, P. (Owner), Lehtoranta, K. (Participant), Aakko-Saksa, P. (Participant), Shah, S. (Participant), Kuittinen, N. (Participant), Apilainen, A.-R. (Participant), Flygare, N. (Participant), Rehan, M. (Participant), Jenu, S. (Participant), Saari, H. (Participant), Heinonen, J. (Participant) & Ihatsu, T. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 30/04/27
Project: Business Finland project
ZeroChip: Circularity in Semiconductor fabrication
Arnold, M. (Manager), Harju, N. (Participant), Pihkola, H. (Participant), Sarkkinen, J. (Participant), Kinnunen, K. (Participant), Saloniemi, H. (Participant) & Valkokari, K. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Business Finland project
PESCO-UP: Textile fibre recycling from mixed streams of PESCO textiles
Määttänen, M. (Manager), Kamppuri, T. (Owner), Mäkelä, S.-M. (Participant), Vehviläinen, M. (Participant), Seppälä, H. (Participant), Tanner, H. (Participant), Mäkelä, M. (Participant), Mahlamäki, E. (Participant), Sormunen, T. (Participant), Di Lena, F. (Participant) & Sorsamäki, L. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
DS2: DataSpace, DataShare 2.0
Soininen, J.-P. (Manager), Luoma, R. (Participant), Ford, R. (Participant), Cole, C. (Participant), Hajikhani, A. (Participant), Vehmas, K. (Participant) & Pussinen, P. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
PRIMED: Redesigning the Primary Sector for Maximizing Bioeconomy Development
Ritala, A. (Manager), Seisto, A. (Participant) & Behm, K. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
CRAFT-IT4SD: Craft Revitalization Action for Futureproofing the Transition to Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development
Markkula, A. (Manager), Pihkola, H. (Owner), Petänen, P. (Participant), Paronen, E. (Participant) & Hylkilä, E. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
H2MARINE: Hydrogen PEM fuel cell stack for marine applications
Ihonen, J. (Manager), Lehmuskoski, J. (Participant), Zullino, D. (Participant) & Daniel, L. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 30/06/27
Project: EU project
ELECTRA: Electrification of high temperature and flexible technologies for transforming cement, lime and pulp industry
Pikkarainen, T. (Manager), Reda, F. (Participant), Peltola, J. (Participant), Korpijärvi, K. (Participant), Hölttä, M. (Participant) & Vehmas, K. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
Energy1st (ERDF): Energy 1st Fiber Product Forming
Kiiskinen, H. (Manager), Salminen, K. (Owner), Pääkkönen, E. (Participant), Asikainen, J. (Participant), Kamppuri, T. (Participant), Korpela, A. (Participant), Prakash, B. (Participant), Keränen, J. T. (Participant), Turpeinen, T. (Participant), Kiiskinen, T. (Participant), Mäntynen, S. (Participant), Ketoja, J. (Participant), Sorsamäki, L. (Participant), Lappalainen, T. (Participant), Rahikainen, J. (Participant), Siilasto, R. (Participant), Oksanen, A. (Participant), Paunonen, S. (Participant), Periyasamy, A. P. (Participant), Raipale, N. (Participant), Ketola, A. (Participant), Seppänen, T. (Participant), Koponen, A. (Participant), Hjelt, T. (Participant), Jäsberg, A. (Participant) & Tanaka, A. (Participant)
Co-funded by the European Union
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
MultiFutures: Multidimensional Transition Pathway Analysis for Sustainable Futures: Exploring Alternative Paradigms and Broadening Policy Options through Innovative Scenario Development
Koljonen, T. (Manager), Vainikainen, S. (Participant), Ashouri, S. (Participant), Seisto, A. (Participant), Hajikhani, A. (Participant), Cole, C. (Participant), Lehtilä, A. (Participant) & Järnefelt, V. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 30/06/27
Project: EU project
REPower-CEST: Clean Energy System Transition (REPower-CEST)
Koljonen, T. (Participant), Lindroos, T. J. (Participant), Similä, L. (Manager), Halonen, M. (Participant), Koponen, K. (Participant), Aittoniemi, E. (Participant), Ala-Juusela, M. (Participant), Cole, C. (Participant), Correia, S. (Participant), Eerolainen, L. (Participant), Forsström, J. (Participant), Hiltunen, P. (Participant), Ikonen, J.-P. (Participant), Ikäheimo, J. (Participant), Jasiunas, J. (Participant), Jokinen, T. (Participant), Järnefelt, V. (Participant), Kanto, T. (Participant), Karlsson, T. (Participant), Koreneff, G. (Participant), Kurki, S. (Participant), Lauhkonen, A. (Participant), Lehtilä, A. (Participant), Markkanen, J. (Participant), Niemi, A. (Participant), Rämä, M. (Participant), Sassi, J. (Participant), Sundqvist, H. (Participant), Vainikainen, S. (Participant), Vainio, T. (Participant), Åkerman, M. (Participant) & Åman, R. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 30/06/26
Project: EU project
CISAT: Situational Assessment Tool
Arnold, M. (Manager), Mõttus, M. (Participant), Palviainen, M. (Participant), Federley, M. (Participant), Peltonen, E. (Participant), Korhonen, H. (Participant) & Ihalainen, O. (Participant)
1/11/23 → 31/10/25
Project: Business Finland project
MetaCity Oulu
Siira, E. (Manager) & Kalaoja, J. (Participant)
Euroopan Unioni - Euroopan Unionin osarahoittama, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto - Council of Oulu Region
1/10/23 → 30/09/25
Project: EU project
TU-NEXUS: Integrating water balance and energy system models for improved benefit sharing in transboundary river basins
Putkonen, N. (Manager), Kiviluoma, J. (Participant), Louis, J.-N. (Participant), Abdurafikov, R. (Participant), Urishov, D. (Participant) & Tupala, A. (Participant)
1/10/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Finnish government project
SUGAR: Sustainable Grinding with Agile Robotics
Siren, M. (Manager), Salmi, T. (Participant), Simons, M. (Participant), Heilala, J. (Participant), Pulkkinen, A. (Participant), Salo, M. (Participant) & Harju, N. (Participant)
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Business Finland project
2IMatch: Infrastructure/institutions match for resilient & just green electrification
Louis, J.-N. (Manager), Kiviluoma, J. (CoPI), Jasiunas, J. (Participant) & Koljonen, T. (Participant)
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Academy of Finland project
FlexVal: Flexibility and district heating value chain
Rämä, M. (Manager)
1/10/23 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
SEARCULAR: Circular solutions for fishing gears
Arnold, M. (Manager), Behm, K. (Participant), Palmgren, R. (Participant), Hinkka, V. (Participant) & Harju, N. (Participant)
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: EU project
LiveCol: Real-time collaboration for the real estate and construction industry
Kiviniemi, M. (Manager), van den Brink, R. (Participant), Hakkarainen, M. (Participant), Hanski, J. (Participant), Lähdesmäki, S. (Participant), Ala-Kotila, P. (Participant) & Vainio-Kaila, T. (Participant)
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Business Finland project
NOREM: NO flow Resistance Electronic Mask
Salo, S. (Manager) & Kulmala, I. (Participant)
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Business Finland project
ADVANCE: Accompanying measure for Dissemination, Valorisation and Collaborative Exploitation of circularity of constructional steel products
Hradil, P. (Manager), Fülöp, L. (Participant), Paukku, E. (Participant) & Vainio-Kaila, T. (Participant)
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: EU project