Projects per year
Search results
STOPP: Strategies to prevent and reduce plastic packaging pollution from the food system
Laurikainen, P. (Manager), Palola, S. (Manager), Javanshour, F. (Participant), Tenhunen-Lunkka, A. (Participant), Mosallaei, M. (Participant), Ngo, T. (Participant), Mikkonen, J. (Participant), Kaya, U. (Participant), Hakola, L. (Participant), Ronkainen, H. (Participant), Kuusisto, R. (Participant) & Paajanen, M. (Participant)
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: EU project
tExtended: Knowledge Based Framework for Extended Textile Circulation
Heikkilä, P. (Manager), Järvinen, S. (Participant), Mäkelä, S.-M. (Participant), Torvinen, K. (Owner), Saarimäki, E. (Participant), Kamppuri, T. (Participant), Pinto-Seppä, I. (Participant), Orko, I. (Participant), Tanner, H. (Participant), Salo, M. (Participant), Wiman, L. (Participant), Petänen, P. (Participant), Sormunen, T. (Participant), Mahlamäki, E. (Participant), Mäkelä, M. (Participant), Määttänen, M. (Participant), Vehviläinen, M. (Participant), Valtanen, K. (Participant), Jurmu, M. (Participant), Raipale, N. (Participant), Nakari-Setälä, T. (Participant), Periyasamy, A. P. (Participant), Malik, S. (Participant) & Räsänen, P. (Participant)
1/12/22 → 30/11/26
Project: EU project
NEWGEN: New generation of HVDC insulation materials, cables and systems
Rytöluoto, I. (Manager), Paajanen, M. (CoPI), Pelto, J. (Participant), Saarimäki, E. (Participant), Kaya, U. (Participant) & Mosallaei, M. (Participant)
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: EU project
IRISS: The InteRnatIonal ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design materials, products and processes
Kivikytö-Reponen, P. (Manager), Huttunen-Saarivirta, E. (Participant), Ronkainen, H. (Participant), Palola, S. (Manager), Paajanen, M. (Owner), Ngo, T. (Participant) & Uusitalo, T. (Participant)
1/06/22 → 31/05/25
Project: EU project
TREASoURcE: Territorial and Regional Demonstrations of Systemic Solutions of Key Value Chains and Their Replication to Deploy Circular Economy
Kaya, U. (Manager), Tenhunen-Lunkka, A. (Manager), Ritschkoff, A.-C. (Participant), Honkanen, R. (Participant), Palola, S. (Participant), Paajanen, M. (Participant), Härkönen, M. (Participant), Kaya, U. (Participant), Lindfors, C. (Participant), Pienihäkkinen, E. (Participant), Oasmaa, A. (Participant), Ngo, T. (Participant), Arnold, M. (Participant), Javanshour, F. (Participant), Määttä, J. (Participant) & Ylisiurua, M. (Participant)
1/06/22 → 31/05/26
Project: EU project
File -
PRIMUS: Reforming secondary plastics to become the primary raw material choice for added-value products
Tenhunen-Lunkka, A. (Manager), Rytöluoto, I. (Participant), Pelto, J. (Participant), Mosallaei, M. (Participant), Mikkonen, J. (Participant), Kuutti, L. (Participant), Karjalainen, E. (Participant), Leppänen, I. (Participant), Senna Vieira, F. (Participant), Honkanen, R. (Participant), Palola, S. (Participant), Ngo, T. (Participant), Joshi, A. (Participant), Laurikainen, P. (Participant), zu Castell-Rudenhausen, M. (Participant) & Javanshour, F. (Participant)
1/05/22 → 30/04/25
Project: EU project
CISUFLO: CIrcular SUstainable FLOor coverings
Paajanen, M. (Manager), Pohjalainen, E. (Participant), Wahlström, M. (Participant), Ruohomäki, I. (Participant), Palmgren, R. (Participant), Hinkka, V. (Participant) & Saari, L. (Participant)
1/06/21 → 31/05/25
Project: EU project