Projects per year
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BioCoatTex: Towards bio-inspired water-repellent cellulosic surfaces
Arola, S. (Manager), Lohtander-Piispa, T. (Participant), Leppänen, I. (Participant), Kouko, J. (Participant), Barth, D. (Participant), Palmu, M. (Participant), Kaukoniemi, O.-V. (Participant), Salminen, K. (Participant) & Torvinen, K. (Owner)
22/01/24 → 22/07/24
Project: Business Finland project
CERAFIM: Cellular Agriculture for Sustainable Food and Materials
Barth, D. (Manager), Toivari, M. (Participant), Paananen, A. (Participant), Lille, M. (Participant), Koivuranta, K. (Participant), Joensuu, J. (Participant), Valtonen, A. (Participant), Salusjärvi, L. (Participant), Casteleijn, M. (Participant) & Aalto, A. (Participant)
1/05/22 → 30/06/24
Project: Business Finland project
Telavalue: Value chains for sustainable production, use and cycles of textiles
Heikkilä, P. (Manager), Kamppuri, T. (Participant), Saarimäki, E. (Participant), Tuovila, H. (Participant), Heikkilä, J. (Participant), Petänen, P. (Participant), Järvinen, S. (Participant), Mäkelä, S.-M. (Participant), Järnefelt, V. (Participant), Harlin, A. (Participant), Koivula, A. (Participant), Vehmas, K. (Participant), Torvinen, K. (Owner) & Määttänen, M. (Participant)
1/02/22 → 31/07/24
Project: Business Finland project
MeHeFo: Me, My Health and My Food
Lappi, J. (Manager), Sözer, N. (Owner), Lähteenmäki, J. (Participant), Umer, A. (Participant), Urhemaa, T. (Participant) & Calton, A. (Participant)
1/01/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Business Finland project
BIOPROT: Development bio-based and biodegradable non-woven materials for protective equipment
Salo, S. (Manager), Salmela, H. (Participant), Ehder-Gahm, I. (Participant), Hakala, J. (Participant), Kulmala, I. (Participant), Alakomi, H.-L. (PI), Heikkilä, P. (CoPI), Saarimäki, E. (Participant), Luoma, E. (Participant), Salmi, T. (Participant), Immonen, K. (Participant), Hannula, S. (Participant) & Huotari, J. (Participant)
1/01/22 → 30/06/24
Project: Business Finland project
ROBA: Robust Algae Systems
Barth, D. (Manager), Toivari, M. (Owner), Ojaniemi, U. (Participant), Pättikangas, T. (Participant), Wiebe, M. (Participant), Tamminen, A. (Participant), Sarlin, T. (Participant), Nappa, M. (Participant), Behm, K. (Participant), Kujanpää, L. (Participant), Seisto, A. (Participant) & Nygren, H. (Participant)
1/01/22 → 30/04/24
Project: Business Finland project
Precision Fermentation: From Biotechnology to Sustainable Nutrition (21063)
Casteleijn, M. (Manager) & Sözer, N. (Participant)
1/06/21 → 31/12/21
Project: EU project
FOODSAFETY4EU: Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Food Safety in Europe
Alakomi, H.-L. (Manager), Hyytiäinen-Pabst, T. (Participant), Sohlberg, E. (Participant), Salo, S. (Participant) & Lampinen, M. (Participant)
1/01/21 → 31/12/23
Project: EU project
CircDNet: Circular Design Network
Kivikytö-Reponen, P. (PI), Orko, I. (Owner), Karhu, M. (Participant), Majaniemi, S. (Participant), Tuovila, H. (Participant), Sokka, L. (Participant), Valtanen, K. (Participant), Heikkilä, P. (Participant), Hanski, J. (Participant), Mäkelä, S.-M. (Participant), Heikkilä, J. (Participant), Järvinen, S. (Participant), Nikunen, T. (Participant), Lantto, R. (Participant), Jenu, S. (Participant), Hentunen, A. (Participant), Naumanen, M. (Participant), Pohjalainen, E. (Participant), Slotte, P. (Participant), Uusitalo, T. (Participant) & Muukkonen, R. (Participant)
1/12/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Academy of Finland project
InnoFoodAfrica: Locally-driven co-development of plant-based value chains towards more sustainable African food system with healthier diets and export potential
Rosa-Sibakov, N. (Manager) & Lantto, R. (Manager)
1/08/20 → 31/01/24
Project: EU project
FOODNUTRI: Climate smart food and nutrition research infrastructure
Sözer, N. (Manager)
1/07/20 → 30/11/21
Project: Academy of Finland project
EXPRO: Globally competitive processing technologies for meat alternatives
Honkapää, K. (Manager) & Sözer, N. (PI)
1/06/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Business Finland project
Genomi-hanke – Genominmuokkaustekniikoiden tilanne ja tulevaisuus
Wessberg, N. (Manager), Lehtinen, S. (Participant), Häkkinen, S. (Participant) & Ritala, A. (Participant)
1/04/20 → 31/05/21
Project: Finnish government project
Experience Proteins: Protein ingredients for excellent food products with export capacity
Sözer, N. (PI) & Honkapää, K. (Manager)
17/02/20 → 29/12/22
Project: Business Finland project
FeedProtein: Sustainable protein ingredient for feed
Parviainen, T. (Manager) & Tähtinen, M. (Participant)
2/01/20 → 30/04/21
Project: Business Finland project
NextGenProteins: Bioconversion of underutilized resources into next generation proteins for food and feed
Paasi, J. (Manager), Seisto, A. (Owner), Alakomi, H.-L. (Participant), Wessberg, N. (Participant), Lehtinen, S. (Participant), Tuovila, H. (Participant), Vainikainen, S. (Participant) & Ashouri, S. (Participant)
1/10/19 → 30/09/23
Project: EU project
agROBOfood: Business-Oriented Support to the European Robotics and Agri-food Sector, towards a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in Robotics
Heikkilä, T. (Manager), Koskinen, J. (Participant), Kilpeläinen, P. (Participant), Sözer, N. (Participant) & Calton, A. (Participant)
1/06/19 → 29/02/24
Project: EU project
FunEnzFibres: From fundamentals to valorization: Enzymatic oxidation of cellulosic fibres and underlying mechanisms
Kruus, K. (PI), Marjamaa, K. (Manager), Rahikainen, J. (Participant), Koivula, A. (Participant) & Grönqvist, S. (Participant)
1/02/19 → 31/01/22
Project: Academy of Finland project
Scallinsect: Scallinsect Co-creation - The scale up of valorizing food by-products by black soldier fly
Parviainen, T. (Manager)
14/01/19 → 31/07/19
Project: Business Finland project
OatHow: Novel indicators and technologies for oat quality and applicability
Holopainen-Mantila, U. (Manager), Nordlund, E. (Owner), Silventoinen-Veijalainen, P. (Participant), Ercili-Cura, D. (Participant) & Nikinmaa, M. (Participant)
1/01/19 → 30/09/21
Project: Business Finland project
CICERONE: CIrCular Economy platfoRm for eurOpeaN priorities strategic agEnda
Sundqvist, H. (Manager), Lantto, R. (Participant), Ritschkoff, A.-C. (Participant), Åkerman, M. (Participant) & Brandt, H. (Participant)
1/11/18 → 31/03/21
Project: EU project
KIETU: Kiertotalouden ekosysteemit - Ecosystems in the circular economy
Tenhunen-Lunkka, A. (Participant), Järnefelt, V. (Participant), Ritschkoff, A.-C. (Owner), Orko, I. (Manager), Sundqvist, H. (Participant), Lantto, R. (Participant) & Naumanen, M. (Participant)
23/03/18 → 19/03/20
Project: Finnish government project
FoodMyWay - Smart food manufacturing at the point of purchase based on individual needs
Vehmas, K. (Manager), Nordlund, E. (Owner), Hytönen, E. (Participant), Ruohomäki, I. (Participant), Välisalo, T. (Participant), Calton, A. (Participant) & Hyttinen, P. (Participant)
1/03/18 → 31/08/19
Project: Business Finland project
VinsectS: Insect economy as part of circular economy
Tähtinen, M. (Manager) & Parviainen, T. (Participant)
5/02/18 → 31/08/19
Project: Other
CHIC: Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes
Häkkinen, S. (Manager), Oksman-Caldentey, K.-M. (Participant), Nohynek, L. (Participant) & Hyytiäinen-Pabst, T. (Participant)
1/01/18 → 30/06/22
Project: EU project
StopDia: STOP DIABETES - Knowledge-based solutions
Poutanen, K. (Manager), Vanhatalo, S. (Participant), Harjumaa, M. (Participant), Leväsluoto, J. (Participant), Mattila, E. M. (Participant) & Sigfrids, A. (Participant)
1/06/16 → 31/08/19
Project: Academy of Finland project
Vital Selfie - Creating Business of Vitality at All Ages
Nordlund, E. (Manager), Vehmas, K. (Participant), Arvola, A. (Participant) & Seisto, A. (Participant)
1/01/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Business Finland project