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ionPATHS: Biosynthetic oligocellulose-based block coPolymer solid-stAte electrolytes: Towards sustainable and safe-by-design energy storage TecHnologieS
Majoinen, J. (Manager), Torvinen, K. (Owner), Pylkkänen, R. (Participant), King, A. (Participant), Koso, T. (Participant), Rannou, P. (Participant) & Penttilä, M. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: Academy of Finland project
R3VOLUTION: A rEVOLUTIONary approach for maximising process water REuse and REsource REcovery through a smart, circular and integrated solution
Khakalo, A. (Manager), Levä, T. (Participant), Ghimire, H. (Participant) & Tammelin, T. (Owner)
1/01/24 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
REDYSIGN: Resource-efficient processes for the production and circularization of innovative RECYclable-by-DeSIGN fresh meat smart packaging from wood
Orelma, H. (Manager)
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: EU project
SUSTRONICS: Sustainable and green electronics for circular economy
Hakola, L. (Manager), Hepo-oja, L. (Participant), Smolander, M. (Owner), Keränen, K. (Participant), Immonen, K. (Participant), Lahti, J. (Participant), Hakola, E. (Participant), Mäkelä, T. (Participant), Orelma, H. (Participant), Tamlander, T. (Participant), Vikman, M. (Participant), Abedi, F. (Participant) & Nordman, S. (Participant)
1/06/23 → 31/05/26
Project: EU project
ModernTex: Cost-competitive cellulose-based leather alternative produced from organic waste using novel production process accelerating green transformation of fashion industry
Lohtander-Piispa, T. (Manager), Sonker, A. (Manager) & King, A. (Participant)
1/04/23 → 30/03/25
Project: Business Finland project
SmartRecovery: SmartRecovery to boost lignin commercialization
Kalliola, A. (Participant), Ohra-aho, T. (Participant), Mikkelson, A. (Participant), Kellock, M. (Manager), Widsten, P. (Participant), Guizani, C. (Participant), Winberg, I. (Participant), Torvinen, K. (Owner), King, A. (Participant), Kyllönen, H. (Participant), Heikkinen, J. (Participant), Agustin, M. (Participant), Berg, J. (Participant) & Pauls, G. (Participant)
1/01/23 → 30/04/25
Project: Business Finland project
tExtended: Knowledge Based Framework for Extended Textile Circulation
Heikkilä, P. (Manager), Järvinen, S. (Participant), Mäkelä, S.-M. (Participant), Torvinen, K. (Owner), Saarimäki, E. (Participant), Kamppuri, T. (Participant), Pinto-Seppä, I. (Participant), Orko, I. (Participant), Tanner, H. (Participant), Salo, M. (Participant), Wiman, L. (Participant), Petänen, P. (Participant), Sormunen, T. (Participant), Mahlamäki, E. (Participant), Mäkelä, M. (Participant), Määttänen, M. (Participant), Vehviläinen, M. (Participant), Valtanen, K. (Participant), Jurmu, M. (Participant), Raipale, N. (Participant), Nakari-Setälä, T. (Participant), Periyasamy, A. P. (Participant), Malik, S. (Participant) & Räsänen, P. (Participant)
1/12/22 → 30/11/26
Project: EU project
F3: Films for Future
Kumar, V. (Manager), Harlin, A. (Owner), Mäkelä, M. (Participant), Sirviö, J. (Participant), Orelma, H. (Participant), Kunnari, V. (Participant), Määttänen, M. (Participant), Kontturi, K. (Participant), Ahokas, P. (Participant), Ahadian, H. (Participant), Mannela, P. (Participant), Varkoi, J. (Participant), Soini, T. (Participant), Pettersson, K. (Participant), Liukkonen, V. (Participant), Salonen, U. (Participant), Vihersola, N. (Participant), Leino, M. (Participant), Palmu, M. (Participant), Luoma, E. (Participant), Toriseva, J. (Participant), Nissinen, E. (Participant), Rauta, S.-T. (Participant), Gestranius, M. (Participant), Huomo, G. (Participant), Reiman, T. (Participant), Ghimire, H. (Participant), Majoinen, J. (Participant) & Latvatalo, H. (Participant)
Co-funded by the European Union, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, Regional Council of South Karelia
15/09/22 → 14/09/25
Project: EU project
PRIMUS: Reforming secondary plastics to become the primary raw material choice for added-value products
Tenhunen-Lunkka, A. (Manager), Rytöluoto, I. (Participant), Pelto, J. (Participant), Mosallaei, M. (Participant), Mikkonen, J. (Participant), Kuutti, L. (Participant), Karjalainen, E. (Participant), Leppänen, I. (Participant), Senna Vieira, F. (Participant), Honkanen, R. (Participant), Palola, S. (Participant), Ngo, T. (Participant), Joshi, A. (Participant), Laurikainen, P. (Participant), zu Castell-Rudenhausen, M. (Participant) & Javanshour, F. (Participant)
1/05/22 → 30/04/25
Project: EU project
INN-PRESSME: open INNovation ecosystem for sustainable Plant-based nano-enabled biomateRials deploymEnt for packaging, tranSport and conSuMEr goods
Forsström, U. (Manager), Kangas, H. (Participant), Lahtinen, P. (Participant), Kunnari, V. (Participant), Kivinen, P. (Participant), Kumar, V. (Participant), Anghelescu-Hakala, A. (Participant), Paajanen, A. (Participant) & Aguilar Sanchez, A. (Participant)
1/01/21 → 31/01/25
Project: EU project