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Päivi Aakko-Saksa
- BA5208 Catalytic processes - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Antti Aalto
Ulrike Abendroth
Norman Adlung
Melissa Agustin
- BA5404 Lignin and sidestream valorization - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Titta Ahola
Jouni Ahopelto
- BA6201 RF microsystems - Research Professor
Person: Research Professors, Senior Advisors
Mauri Aikio
- BA6301 Optical measurements - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Heikki Ailisto
- BA5A Management and Support - Research Professor
Person: Research Professors, Senior Advisors
Maria Åkerman
- BA4606 Ethics and responsibility of innovations - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Teemu Alajoki
- BA6302 Flexible electronics integration - Research Team Leader
Person: Research Team Leaders
Mia Ala-Juusela
- BA4901 Energy resilient buildings and districts - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Hanna-Leena Alakomi
- BA5307 Process microbiology and food safety - Research Team Leader
Person: Research Team Leaders
Paula Ala-Kotila
- BA4906 Data-driven circular construction - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Ari Alastalo
- BA62 Microelectronics and quantum technology - Research Manager
Person: Research managers
Andrea Alesani
- BA5604 Human-robot-mixed reality solutions - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists