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Mikko Tarkiainen
- BA4301 Automated vehicles - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Sami Koskinen
- BA4301 Automated vehicles - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Johan Scholliers
- BA4301 Automated vehicles - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Satu Innamaa
- BA4302 Transport system - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Pertti Peussa
- BA4301 Automated vehicles - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Sami Karadeniz
- BA5611 Human factors and system safety - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Aki Lumiaho
- BA4304 Electromobility - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Merja Penttinen
- BA4302 Transport system - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Klaus Känsälä
- BA4205 Machine intelligence - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists