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Antti-Jussi Tahvanainen
- BA4602 Corporate foresight and strategy - Research Team Leader
Person: Research Team Leaders
Juuli Huuhanmäki
- BA4602 Corporate foresight and strategy - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Carolyn Cole
- Quantitative science and technology studies - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Tiina Valjakka
- BA46 Foresight and data economy - Operations Manager
Person: Managers, Key Account Managers
Maaria Nuutinen
- BA4602 Corporate foresight and strategy - Senior Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Sajad Ashouri
- Quantitative science and technology studies - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Arho Suominen
- BA46 Foresight and data economy - Research Professor
Person: Research Professors, Senior Advisors
Arash Hajikhani
- Quantitative science and technology studies - Research Team Leader
Person: Research Team Leaders
Jaakko Paasi
- BA4602 Corporate foresight and strategy - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists