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- The Experts community includes person profiles from all Pure Portals who has agreed to share their person profiles. The Experts community contains around 90,000 profiles.
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Vaibhav Modi
- BA5510 ProperTune Soft Condensed Materials - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Olli Pakarinen
- BA5510 ProperTune Soft Condensed Materials - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Tomi Suhonen
- BA5502 ProperTune ICME - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Stefania Fortino
- BA5510 ProperTune Soft Condensed Materials - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Tuula Hakkarainen
- BA5503 ProperTune integration - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Antti Puisto
- BA5510 ProperTune Soft Condensed Materials - Research Team Leader
Person: Research Team Leaders
Antti Paajanen
- BA5510 ProperTune Soft Condensed Materials - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists