6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Jyrki Raitila with the persons below:
Tomi J. Lindroos
- District heating and cooling - Senior Scientist
- DOES - Design and Operation of Energy Systems
Person: Senior Scientists
Tapio Heikkilä
- BA5602 Intelligent robotics - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists
Ismo Ruohomäki
- BA5609 Intelligent supply chains and logistics - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Kati Koponen
- BA4212 Scenario planning to carbon-neutrality - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Christian Lindfors
- BA5207 Thermal liquefaction and upgrading - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists