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CryOpto: Cryogenic Thermophotonics
Thomas, G. (PI), Maurya, S. (Participant), Vaimala, T. (Participant), Tappura, K. (Participant), Lee, J.-W. (Participant) & Prunnila, M. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: Academy of Finland project
QuantLearn: Diverse computing ecosystem for quantum machine learning via optical links
Kemppinen, A. (Manager), Cherchi, M. (Participant), Tappura, K. (Participant), Vesterinen, V. (Participant) & Nissilä, J. (Participant)
1/01/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Academy of Finland project
aCryComm: attojoule Cryogenic Communication
Cherchi, M. (Manager), Govenius, J. (Participant), Mykkänen, E. (Participant), Pursula, P. (Owner), Kemppinen, A. (Participant), Tappura, K. (Participant), Delrosso, G. (Participant), Grönberg, L. (Participant), Lehtimäki, L. (Participant), Bera, A. (Participant), Prunnila, M. (Participant), Kiviranta, M. (Participant) & Kohopää, K. (Participant)
1/10/20 → 29/09/23
Project: EU project