12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Yasintha Rumesh with the persons below:
Dinaj Attanayaka
- BA6403 Cybersecurity engineering & automation - Research Scientist
Person: Research Scientists
Pawani Porambage
- BA6403 Cybersecurity engineering & automation - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Samuel Marchal
- BA6403 Cybersecurity engineering & automation - Research Team Leader
Person: Research Team Leaders
Mirko Sailio
- BA6403 Cybersecurity engineering & automation - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Jani Suomalainen
- BA6403 Cybersecurity engineering & automation - Senior Scientist
Person: Senior Scientists
Jyrki Huusko
- BA64 Safe and connected society - Principal Scientist
Person: Senior Principal Scientists, Principal Scientists