6G Data-driven Distributed Cloud and Communication System

Project: Business Finland project

Project Details


The cloudification technology has been an important technical enabler in realizing industry digitalization transformation. The mobile industry follows the same trend to evolve 5G networks towards 6G. Great business potential is expected if cloudified mobile networks are integrated in a new way with the underly cloud-based infrastructure, in which communication and computation capabilities can be assembled on demand to support customized services. This will allow highly flexible and efficient connectivity solutions for the enterprise and vertical industry. It is the goal of the Cloudify-6G project to research, develop and validate key technologies to integrate and enable such a joint communication and computation system. Focusing on 6G solutions for enterprise and vertical industries, the project works on next-generation radio access networks and investigates the architecture, cloud-based design, air interface enablement, and AI/ML methods to reshape and transform the radio access network into a distributed cloud and communication platform, in which cloud-based applications and radio network components can share cloud computing resources and be jointly provisioned to meet demanding service requirements. It will greatly improve operation efficiency, achieve cost savings, and improve business sustainability. The project teams up with three research organizations to bring the key innovations to life and verify the findings in a carrier-grade test environment. With support from mobile operators, and vertical and software companies, the project will build the prototype platform to validate the project concept and show the potential of the system to support demanding industry use cases.
Effective start/end date1/05/2330/04/26

Collaborative partners


  • 6G Bridge