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EQUSPACE: Enabling new quantum frontiers with spin acoustics in silicon
Tappura, K. (PI), Rantala, A. (Participant), Manninen, J. (Participant) & Ponkala, O. (Participant)
1/02/25 → 31/01/29
Project: EU project
FUN-4: Fundamental Rights in Foresight
Lähteenmäki-Smith, K. (Participant) & Martins, J. (Participant)
6/01/25 → 3/11/25
Project: EU project
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CINTEM: Circularity-integrated mining
Heikola, T. (Manager), Lindsay, A. (Participant), Kinnunen, P. (Owner), Orko, I. (Participant), Paavola, M. (Participant), Havisto, J. (Participant), Spegazzini, N. (Participant) & Savolainen, M. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 30/06/27
Project: Business Finland project
PATH2ZERO: Accelerating net-zero transformation by advancing Europe’s transport pathways and cross-sectoral synergies
Aittoniemi, E. (Manager), Lauhkonen, A. (Participant), Koljonen, T. (Participant) & Markkanen, J. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: EU project
RESPED: Enabling Energy Resilience through new energy flexible and affordable PED concepts
Ala-Juusela, M. (Manager), Heimonen, I. (Participant) & Rehman, H. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Business Finland project
LOWNOISER: LOWering underwater NOISE Radiation from waterborne transport
Hynninen, A. (Manager), Martio, J. (Participant), Rahikainen, J. (Participant), Sanchez Caja, A. (Participant), Savolainen, M. (Participant), Viitanen, V. (Participant) & Virtanen, J. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Project: EU project
FinBioFAB: Finnish BioFoundry for Advanced Biomanufacturing
Barth, D. (Manager), Nygård, Y. (PI), Koponen, T. (Participant), Girych, M. (Participant), Castillo, S. (Participant), Åkerman, M. (Participant), Lehtinen, S. (Participant), Nakari-Setälä, T. (Owner), Jäntti, J. (Participant), Healy-Rehn, M. (Participant), Laukkanen, A. (Participant), Aro, N. (Participant), Hentula, M. (Participant), Tenkanen, T. (Participant), Choo, H. (Participant) & Nguyen, T. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 31/12/29
Project: Business Finland project
TerraDT: Digital Twin of Earth system for Cryosphere, Land surface and related interactions
Mõttus, M. (PI), Halme, E. (Participant), Sirro, L. (Participant) & Astola, H. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 31/12/28
Project: EU project
ePowerMove: Enabling large e-fleets participation in power systems optimisation through mass deployment of people-friendly, low-cost infrastructure and interoperable vehicles
Farzam Far, M. (Manager), Hentunen, A. (Owner), Fatima, Z. (Participant), Antila, M. (Participant), Paakkinen, M. (Participant), Lumiaho, A. (Participant), Tamlander, T. (Participant), Baranauskas, M. (Participant), Kulju, M. (Participant) & Hölttä, M. (Participant)
1/01/25 → 30/06/28
Project: EU project
AIDEMOC: AI demokratian tukemisessa - AI for Reinforcing Democracy
Wessberg, N. (PI), Sigfrids, A. (Participant), Karvonen, A. (Participant), Leikas, J. (Participant) & Lanne, M. (Participant)
1/12/24 → 30/11/27
Project: Academy of Finland project
GROW: Growing sustainable bioproducts from industrial side streams
Pääkkönen, E. (Manager), Seppänen, T. (Participant), Mäkelä, M. (Participant), Rummukainen, H. (Participant) & Torvinen, K. (Owner)
1/11/24 → 31/10/26
Project: Business Finland project
ForePlast: From Underutilized Forest Biomass Residues to Chemicals and Plastics
Rautiainen, S. (Manager), Reznichenko, A. (Participant), Lehtonen, J. (Participant), Grönqvist, S. (Participant) & Harlin, A. (Participant)
1/11/24 → 30/04/25
Project: Business Finland project
NARCOSIS: Non-tArgeted foRensic multidisCiplinary platfOrm for inveStigatIon of drug-related fatalitieS
Santos Silva, C. (Manager), Peltola, J. (Participant) & Sormunen, T. (Participant)
1/11/24 → 31/10/27
Project: EU project
ELEGANCE: Green SELf-Powered NEuromorphic Processing EnGines with Integrated VisuAl and FuNCtional SEnsing
Sandberg, H. (Manager), Leppäniemi, J. (Participant), Sneck, A. (Participant) & Eiroma, K. (Participant)
1/11/24 → 31/10/28
Project: EU project
CIASEM: Collaborative Intelligent Agents for Smart Energy Management
Pakkala, D. (Manager), Ala-Juusela, M. (Participant), Kiljander, J. (Participant), Niskanen, I. (Participant) & Paaso, T. (Participant)
1/10/24 → 30/09/26
Project: Business Finland project
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Med-IREN: Mediterranean critical Infrastructure Resilience Engineering with Nature based solutions
Dubovik, M. (Manager), Warsta, L. (Participant) & Antuna Rozado, C. (Participant)
1/10/24 → 30/09/28
Project: EU project
GreenOMorph: Green materials for neurOMorphic signal processing by organic synaptic transistors
Ruotsalainen, T. (Manager), Eiroma, K. (Participant), Mäkelä, T. (Participant), Sneck, A. (Participant), Leppäniemi, J. (Participant) & Suhonen, M. (Participant)
1/10/24 → 31/03/29
Project: EU project
Sustain-a-bite: Propelling Health and Sustainability Through Innovative food products and processes
Sarlin, T. (Manager), Sözer, N. (Owner), Holopainen-Mantila, U. (Participant), Tsitko, I. (Participant), Lille, M. (Participant), Hyytiäinen-Pabst, T. (Participant) & Juvonen, R. (Participant)
1/10/24 → 31/03/28
Project: EU project
BeBOP: Biomass to bio/E-methanol by Breakthrough SOEC-based Process: the BeBOP innovation
Jeremias, M. (PI), Hiltunen, I. (Owner), Saarinen, V. (CoPI), Frilund, C. (Participant), Vartiainen, A. (Participant), Simell, P. (Participant), Tuomi, S. (Participant), Laatikainen-Luntama, J. (Participant), Kurkela, E. (Participant) & Himanen, O. (Participant)
1/10/24 → 30/09/28
Project: EU project
NORDLEAD: Cultivating Nordic lead markets: Cross-border collaboration as a catalyst for internationalization
Pihlajamaa, M. (Manager), Valovirta, V. (Participant), Hämäläinen, H. (Participant), Komonen, P. (Participant) & Suominen, A. (Participant)
16/09/24 → 15/09/26
Project: Business Finland project
DI-Vision: Traceable machine vision systems for digital industrial applications
Hemming, B. (Manager), Mattila, A. (Participant) & Teir, L. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
ThermoSI: Thermometry with embedded SI traceability for industrial applications
Tabandeh, S. (Manager) & Söderblom, H. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
CELLIGHT: Cellulose-based light-scattering opacifier generation and harnessing technologies
Mujtaba, M. (Manager), Pylkkänen, R. (Participant) & Reznichenko, A. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Business Finland project
BATCircle3.0: Finland-based Circular Ecosystem of Battery Metals
Salo, M. (Manager), Bacher, J. (Manager), van der Meer, T. (Owner), Porvali, A. (Participant), Järvelä, E. (Participant), Ollonqvist, P.-P. (Participant), Mäkelä, T. (Participant), Lappalainen, E.-L. (Participant), Korolev, I. (Participant), Oksanen, E. (Participant), Heikola, T. (Participant), Tolvanen, A. M. (Participant) & Ihalainen, H. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Business Finland project
ADAM: Application of digital-metrological twins for emerging measurement technology in advanced manufacturing
Hemming, B. (Manager), Heikkinen, V. (Participant) & Teir, L. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
Cynergy4MIE: Leverage synergy by cyber-physical systems for the convergence of the eco systems mobility, infrastructure and energy in the circular economy for the Society 5.0
Koskinen, S. (Manager), Morits, D. (Participant), Ruotsalainen, K. (Participant), Lilja, J. (Participant) & Kutila, M. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
Future proofing Finlands Strategic Competitiveness and Innovation System for a New Geopolitical Era
Suominen, A. (PI), Deschryvere, M. (Participant), Lehtinen, S. (Participant) & Martins, J. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Business Finland project
CryOpto: Cryogenic Thermophotonics
Thomas, G. (PI), Maurya, S. (Participant), Vaimala, T. (Participant), Tappura, K. (Participant), Lee, J.-W. (Participant) & Prunnila, M. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: Academy of Finland project
BALTIC-FIT: Twinning to enable Baltic Sea vessels to meet Fit-for-55 regulations
Rahikainen, J. (Manager), Manderbacka, T. (Owner), Perälä, I. (Participant), Happonen, K. (Participant), Hänninen, S. (Participant), Martio, J. (Participant) & Sassi, J. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
Mon-Cell-Pack: Forming and advanced characterization of monomaterial lignocellulosic packaging structure
Harlin, A. (PI), Järvinen, M. (Participant), Ketoja, J. (Manager), Kouko, J. (Participant), Paajanen, A. (Participant) & Turpeinen, T. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: Academy of Finland project
PhoQus-T: Photonic and quantum sensors for practical integrated primary thermometry
Tabandeh, S. (Manager) & Söderblom, H. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
SANE: Safety Assessment of Non-Electric uses of nuclear energy
Tulkki, V. (Manager), Kurki, J. (Participant), Ikonen, J.-P. (Participant), Komu, R. (Participant), Karola, E. (Participant), Bajamundi, C. J. (Participant), Sihvonen, T. (Participant), Helminen, A. (Participant), Immonen, E. (Participant), Lindroos, T. J. (Participant), Huhtinen, S. (Participant), Airola, M. (Participant), Wessberg, N. (Participant) & Karppinen, I. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
MaritimeMET: Metrology for Green Maritime Shipping: Emission control through traceable measurements and machine learning approach
Högström, R. (Manager), Lakka, A. (Participant) & Hämäläinen, J. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/27
Project: EU project
Fantastic Fungi: Harnessing fungi to boost Finnish bioeconomy and sustainable growth
Barth, D. (Manager), Tsitko, I. (Participant), Paananen, A. (Participant), Nygren, H. (Participant), Goncalves, P. (Participant), Aalto, A. (Participant), Marjamaa, K. (Participant), Szilvay, G. (Participant), Juvonen, R. (Participant), Luecha, J. (Participant) & Nisov, A. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Business Finland project
ionPATHS: Biosynthetic oligocellulose-based block coPolymer solid-stAte electrolytes: Towards sustainable and safe-by-design energy storage TecHnologieS
Majoinen, J. (Manager), Torvinen, K. (Owner), Pylkkänen, R. (Participant), King, A. (Participant), Koso, T. (Participant), Rannou, P. (Participant) & Penttilä, M. (Participant)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: Academy of Finland project
KOSKE: Korkeakoulutettujen maahanmuuttajien osaamiskeskuksen asiakassegmenttien tunnistaminen ja niiden välinen palveluiden vaikutusten vertailu
Naumanen, M. (Manager), Ylén, P. (Participant) & Pajula, J. (Participant)
1/08/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Establishing new fungal cell factories for the production of terpenoids and terpenoid-based materials
Iacovelli, R. (Manager)
1/08/24 → 30/07/27
Project: Research
GOWELL: Governance of new technologies towards sustainability and well-being
Lehenkari, J. (PI), Lähteenmäki-Smith, K. (CoPI), Valovirta, V. (Participant), Pihlajamaa, M. (Participant), Leväsluoto, J. (Participant), Hämäläinen, H. (Participant), Ailisto, H. (Participant), Lähteenmäki, J. (Participant), Nurmi, O. (Participant) & Valkokari, K. (Owner)
1/08/24 → 31/07/26
Project: Business Finland project
JOLI: 2D Josephson FET Low Power Integrated Circuits
Generalov, A. (PI) & Bohuslavskyi, H. (Participant)
13/06/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Academy of Finland project
HEVI2024: Kansalliset päästöjen vertailumittaukset 2024-2025
Pellikka, T. (Manager) & Kajolinna, T. (Participant)
4/06/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Finnish government project
SUM4Re: Creating materials banks from digital urban mining
Hradil, P. (Manager), zu Castell-Rudenhausen, M. (Participant) & Senna Vieira, F. (Participant)
1/06/24 → 30/11/27
Project: EU project
MetSuperQ: Metrology for superconducting qubits
Nissilä, J. (Manager)
1/06/24 → 1/06/27
Project: EU project
IEA EBC - Annex 93 - Energy Resilience of the Buildings in Remote Cold Regions
Rehman, H. (PI), Ala-Juusela, M. (Participant), Krohns-Välimäki, H. (Participant) & Ramesh, R. (Participant)
1/06/24 → 31/07/29
Project: Research
QLSI2: Initiative for european Semiconductor-based Large-scale Quantum computer
Tappura, K. (PI), Rantala, A. (Participant), Ponkala, O. (Participant) & Manninen, J. (Participant)
1/06/24 → 30/11/27
Project: EU project
COCOBIN: Coatings and Composites from Novel Biobased Dispersions
Koppolu, R. (Manager), Kumar, V. (Owner), Anghelescu-Hakala, A. (Participant), Hämäläinen, R. (Participant), Auvinen, H. (Participant), Ghimire, H. (Participant), Nissinen, E. (Participant), Borrega, M. (Participant), Widsten, P. (Participant), Vikman, M. (Participant), Kanerva, H. (Participant) & Tuominen, L. J. (Participant)
1/06/24 → 30/05/26
Project: Business Finland project
Met4EVCS: Metrology for electric vehicle charging systems
Lehtonen, T. (Manager)
1/06/24 → 31/05/27
Project: EU project
SensMonCT II: Advanced detail sensitivity monitoring by new concepts to improve the reliability of safety relevant products using industrial computed tomography
Korpelainen, V. (Manager), Sauvet, B. (Participant) & Teir, L. (Participant)
1/06/24 → 31/05/27
Project: EU project
ENSURE: Electric energy and supply reliability
Hällström, J. (Manager)
1/06/24 → 31/05/27
Project: EU project
HIOC: High-accuracy ion-based optical clocks
Lindvall, T. (Manager) & Wallin, A. (Participant)
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Project: EU project
DistriMuSe: Distributed Multi-Sensor Systems For Human Safety And Health
Plomp, J. (Manager), Leikas, J. (Participant) & Heinisuo, E. (Participant)
1/05/24 → 30/04/27
Project: EU project