AI demokratian tukemisessa - AI for Reinforcing Democracy

Project: Academy of Finland project

Project Details


The AIDEMOC project explores the impact of AI-based communication technologies on democracy. It examines how AI affects the quality, inclusivity, transparency, and efficiency of digital public services, while addressing risks like information pollution and generative AI misuse. AIDEMOC employs a mix of empirical, theoretical, and computational methods to study AI's effects, map future scenarios, and develop tools to detect digital vulnerabilities. The project collaborates with national and international partners to forecast and mitigate digital threats, aiming to create responsible AI governance frameworks and scalable solutions to combat AI-generated misinformation. AIDEMOC's research supports the development of inclusive public services and provides strategic insights for policymakers to enhance digital democracy and societal resilience.
Effective start/end date1/12/2430/11/27

Collaborative partners