Circular High-performance Aza-Michael Polymers as Innovative materials Originating from Nature

Project: EU project

Project Details


The objective of CHAMPION is to develop and demonstrate that novel bio-based polymers can be efficiently synthesised and applied in high-performance applications, beyond plastics, where the current petrochemical-derived materials are not fully fit for purpose. Technologies to be developed in CHAMPION include the reductive amination of bio-based chemicals to create novel sustainable diamine monomers, application of aza-Michael chemistry onto fully bio-derivable polymers, and bio-based unsaturated polyesters from secondary alcohol diols on a kilogram scale. The new materials will be specifically circular by design and assessed as such, thus making them superior to current materials by ensuring that (chemical) recyclability or biodegradability are possible. Applications will be tested by four relevant industry end-users in the coatings, textiles, home care formulation, and structural adhesives sectors. Up to 12 bio-based materials will be subject to advanced performance testing after preliminary screenings of many more candidates. The toxicity of materials, their precursors, and break-down products (e.g. during biodegradation) will be evaluated, as well as the environmental, economic, and social impact of the new bio-based value chains these materials create (safe by design). A cradle-to-grave sustainability assessment will use the benchmarks set by commercial products to quantify performance, resource efficiency, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The producers of two bio-based chemical intermediates in the consortium will form new cross-sector interconnections with the four end-users creating increased business and job opportunities. Dissemination and exploitation of results will be conducted to establish the basis of new value chains and inform Standards fit for describing new applications of bio-based products. At least two bio-based materials are targeted to reach TRL 5, with others in the pipeline for further development as part of the legacy of the project.
Effective start/end date1/06/2030/11/23

Collaborative partners

  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • BioDetection Systems B.V. (Project partner)
  • Nova Institut (Project partner)
  • Orineo BVBA (Project partner)
  • Scott Bader Co Ltd (Project partner)
  • Stahl Holdings B.V. (Project partner)
  • University of York (Project partner) (lead)
  • Circa Sustainable Chemicals Ltd (Project partner)
  • Ava Biochem BSL AG (Project partner)
  • Unilever UK Central Resources Ltd. (Project partner)
  • SQ Consult BV (Project partner)
  • Organic Waste Systems N.V. (Project partner)
  • Process Design Center BV (Project partner)
  • Stichting Wageningen Research (Project partner)


  • H2020
  • H2020-BBI-JTI-2019
  • Bioproducts (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock) biomaterials
  • bioplastics
  • biofuels
  • bioderived bulk and fine chemicals
  • bio-derived novel materials