EU-CELAC INNOV-AL Platform II: Promotion of decentralised innovation policies in CELAC Countries

    Project: Consultancy

    Project Details


    EU-CELAC Innov-AL platform is a project of the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) of the European Commission. The project is the result of a Preparatory Action of the European Parliament to promote the exchange of exPeruiences and good practices between the European Union and non-EU countries on the subject of territorial development with special emphasis on urban development, the urban-rural partnership and cross-border urban cooperation.

    The project aims to create a community of agents related to these issues, both in Latin America and in Europe, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and shared learning. This will help to advance more quickly to those countries or regions that want to deepen the development of this type of policy.
    AcronymInnov-AL II
    Effective start/end date1/01/1930/11/20

    Collaborative partners


    • Regional Development
    • Smart Specialization
    • International Cooperation
    • Latin America