"ENTENTE ""European Database for Multiscale Modelling of Radiation Damage"" aims to design a new European experimental/modelling materials database to collect and store pedigree data on radiation damage of RPV steels, according to FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) principles. The project can be seen as three interconnected blocks: DATABASE Design - Multi-disciplinary teams (materials scientists, engineers, software developers) for the definition of new effective data formats suitable for microstructural and modelling data, and interfaces needed to ensure interoperability. - Interface the SOTERIA platform with the ENTENTE database so that experimental data and metadata could be retrieved and post processed in order to correctly parametrize modelling tools ADVANCED experiments/models - Microstructural characterization, linked with appropriate models, by means of advanced (S)TEM techniques, APT, -XRD and in-situ TEM for mapping the radiation induced defects and associated strain-stress fields - In-depth analysis of segregation and structural, chemical nature and strength of grain boundaries to study hardening and non-hardening embrittlement INNOVATIVE data analysis and hybrid models - Simulation tools that enable the description of radiation damage up to space and time scales that are comparable with those reached in experiments on RPV steels. Accelerated physically informed fracture laws with a reasonable predicting capability on heterogeneous microstructures. - First application of ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering) approaches to enable virtual studies of alternative neutron embrittlement scenarios -Machine learning and artificial neural networks approaches to support atomistic modeling as well as to predict hardening and/or embrittlement Target data will be those generated during previous EURATOM projects (LONGLIFE, PERFORM, SOTERIA, TAREG, PHARE) on RPV steels."