Integrated business platform of distributed energy resources

Project: Business Finland project

Project Details


HEILA project aims to define, implement and demonstrate an integrated business platform of DERs for information exchange between energy market participants. The first implementationof such a platform will be realized during the project to integrate smart grid demonstrationsin Finland to develop, test, pilot and finally also commercialize new smart energy system functionalities consisting of interactions and impacts of multiple participants. Development of such a system begins as a national smart grid demonstration platform in Finland but will be designed to support Europe wide deployment of the system.

Key findings

- Use cases defined for modern energy system
- Data exchange architecture i.e. HEILA platform defined and implemented
- Two use cases demonstrated/piloted on real hardware
- Multiple actor roles emulated in the real test platform
- Nationwide test platform with several laboratories initiated
Effective start/end date1/03/1730/06/19

Collaborative partners


  • Distributed energy resources
  • flexibility
  • demonstration
  • use case description
  • data exchange