Julkiset hankinnat -kokonaisvolyymi ja datan hyödyntäminen

Project: Finnish government project

Project Details


Tutkimus kohdistuu seuraaviin kahteen kokonaisuuteen:
- Mikä on Suomen julkisten hankintojen vuotuinen euromääräinen volyymi ja miten se voitaisiin laskea niin, että se olisi toistettavissa vuosittain?
- Miten dataa voidaan parhaiten hyödyntää julkisissa hankinnoissa ja julkisiin hankintoihin liittyvässä päätöksenteossa?

Layman's description

This study estimates the total value (spend) of public procurement at national level through three main delimitations: 1) the contracting agencies to be included in the calculation, 2) the procurements above threshold, 3) the total spend for competitive market/contracting agencies’ purchases from each other. The total spend of all public procurements, including procurements under a threshold and contracting agencies’ purchases from each other, was EUR 47 billion in the year under review (2018). The total spend of public procurement from a competitive market in 2018 was EUR 31 billion. Furthermore, the total value of public procurement above the threshold, excluding contracting agencies’ purchases from each other, was EUR 15 billion in 2018 (excluding purchases from publicly owned companies EUR 13 billion). During the procurement process, data and information are needed in the planning, preparation and tendering. In addition, a procurement process produces continuously new data in the form of procurement documents, contracts and purchase invoice data, to name a few. The study recommends investing in an open data bank covering the entire procurement lifecycle and ensuring data consistence (integration) with other data sources, such as business databases. From this point of view, it might be appropriate for Hansel Oy to develop the Hilma e-service (the official service for tender notices on public procurement) into a national open public procurement database.
AcronymVN TEAS
Effective start/end date1/04/2021/06/21

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