KEINO - Network-based competence center for Sustainable and Innovative public procurement in Finland

Project: Finnish government project

Project Details


KEINO is a network-based Competence center for Sustainable and Innovative public procurement in Finland.

The founding members responsible for the operation and co-development are were Motiva, the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, The Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation – Business Finland, the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Hansel Ltd, KL-Kuntahankinnat Ltd and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. During the period 2/2020-2/2022 the first six are still part of the consortium and are responsible for the operation and co-development of the centre.

The main objectives for the operation are that:
• the number of innovative and sustainable procurements in Finland increases,
• public procurement is recognized and actively used as a management tool,
• contracting entities openly disseminate information on their own experiences and learn from one another.

The value of the Finnish public sector’s procurements is approximately EUR 35 billion annually, or on average 16% of the country’s GDP.
Short titleKEINO
Effective start/end date29/02/2028/02/22

Collaborative partners