5G-TIMBER project aims to validate through robust evidence the latest 5G Industrial Private Network features and standards specifications for Wood Value Chain (WVC) under realistic conditions. In particular, to conduct advanced field trials of the more representative and innovative data-driven material, production and installation flows that implicate manufacturing across 4 prominent industries in the wood sector including, machinery and wood house elements manufacturing, construction and renovation towards green buildings, wood waste valorisation, and established telecom SME industries in a project remit that spans 3 representative European regions (Norway, Estonia, Finland). The project incentivises the opportunistic uptake of 5G in real-life business conditions. Specifically, 5G- TIMBER will target to increase wood-based materials recycling by 50%, increase manufacturing productivity by 15%, reach 99% of the work done in the factory (vs. 85% today), reduce on-site work by 10%, reduce product nonconformities by 10%, and increase the safety of workers in wooden houses production and onsite assembling. Validation of above overall targets through >100 interdisciplinary innovation driven technical, business and service-level KPIs for 09 diverse WVC usecases across 3 categories i.e., data driven sawmill
woodworking machines; modular wood-house factory; construction and renovation with wooden elements, valorisation of composite waste. Usecases will be incrementally validated by 2 lab trials followed by 2 field trials in iterative cycle covering significant portions of end-to-end WVC. 5G-TIMBER also includes a comprehensive business case and exploitation strategy that incorporates novel approaches to materializing the value of data produced in industrial environments based upon 4 distinct business models. Our 16-partner consortium
is driven by strong industrial and SME partners, renowned organisations the majority of which participate in FoF cPPP, 5G-PPP, GD projects.
Automation and control systems; Manufacturing and fabrication technology; Numerical analysis, simulation, optimisation, modelling tools