A blank suitable for use as a body of a supercapacitor, a supercapacitor, and a method of manufacturing a porous silicon volume

Jouni Ahopelto (Inventor), Grigoras Kestutis (Inventor), Leif Grönberg (Inventor), Mika Prunnila (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    A blank suitable for use as a body of a supercapacitor comprises a first porous semiconductor volume and a second porous semiconductor volume, the second porous semiconductor volume laterally surrounded by the first porous semiconductor volume and separated from it by a trench that is suitable for receiving an electrolyte, whereby the first and second porous semiconductor volume comprise channels opening to the trench. A supercapacitor comprises a body formed by using the blank according to any one of the preceding claims, so that the first porous semiconductor volume acts as one electrode and the second porous semiconductor volume acts as another electrode, with an electrolyte in the trench.

    Patent family as of 19.11.2021
    CN107683516 A 20180209 CN201580068972 20151014      
    DE602015043083 D1 20191224 DE201560043083T 20151014      
    EP3207553 A1 20170823 EP20150791002 20151014      
    EP3207553 B1 20191204 EP20150791002 20151014      
    JP2017535076 T2 20171124 JP20170520521T 20151014      
    JP2019096893 A2 20190620 JP20190010721 20151014      
    KR102043806 B1 20191112 KR20177012987 20151014      
    KR20170069270 A 20170620 KR20177012987 20151014      
    US10410798 BB 20190910 US20150518774 20151014      
    US2017229252 AA 20170810 US20150518774 20151014      
    WO16059296 A1 20160421 WO2015FI50692 20151014

    Link to current patent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP3207553
    IPCH01G 11/ 74 A I
    Priority date14/10/15
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2017
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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