A device for shielding at least one component: Laite ainakin yhden komponentin suojelemiseksi

Janne Lehtinen (Inventor), Emma Mykkänen (Inventor), Antti Kemppinen (Inventor), Alberto Ronzani (Inventor), Mika Prunnila (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A device (100) for shielding at least one component from thermal radiation, the device comprising at least a first substrate (102) with a first surface (104) and a second surface (106) and a second substrate (108) with a first surface (110) and second surface (112), the first surface of the second substrate being arranged to at least partially face the second surface of the first substrate. The device additionally comprises at least a first component (114) arranged on the first surface of the second substrate or the second surface of the first substrate and a shielding arrangement comprising a plurality of shielding elements (116, 118, 120) comprising electrically conductive material, the shielding elements being configured to essentially surround at least the first component to provide a shielded area within which the first component is located, wherein electromagnetic radiation having wavelength longer than a selected first wavelength is essentially prevented from reaching the shielded area.

Patent family as of 9.6.2022
FI129589 B20220513FI2021000520320210223

Link to currentpatent family on right 

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberFI20215203
IPCH05K 9/ 00 A N
Priority date23/02/21
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2022
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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