A device for shielding at least one quantum component

Antti Kemppinen (Inventor), Janne Lehtinen (Inventor), Emma Mykkänen (Inventor), Mika Prunnila (Inventor), Alberto Ronzani (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent application


A device for shielding at least one component from thermal radiation, the device comprising at least a first substrate with a first surface and a second surface and a second substrate with a first surface and second surface, the first surface of the second substrate being arranged to at least partially face the second surface of the first substrate. The device additionally comprises at least a first component arranged on the first surface of the second substrate or the second surface of the first substrate and a shielding arrangement comprising a plurality of shielding elements-comprising electrically conductive material, the shielding elements being configured to essentially surround at least the first component to provide a shielded area within which the first component is located, wherein electromagnetic radiation having wavelength longer than a selected first wavelength is essentially prevented from reaching the shielded area.

Patent family as of 18.12.2024

AU2022225093 AA 20231012 AU20220225093 20220217
AU2022225093 BB 20240509 AU20220225093 20220217
CA3211440 AA 20230821 CA20223211440 20220217
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JP2024506110 T2 20240208 JP20230550706T 20220217
JP7531726 B2 20240809 JP20230550706T 20220217
US2024038680 AA 20240201 US20230278241 20220217
WO22180301 A1 20220901 WO2022FI50102 20220217
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2024038680 AA
Priority date23/02/21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2024
MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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