A framework for graphical animation of object-oriented models of embedded real-time software: Master's thesis

Marko Salmela

Research output: ThesisMaster's thesis


There is a growing interest to apply object-oriented methods in the development of embedded real-time software. They are expected to provide solutions to the production, management and quality problems encountered in present development using conventional methods. However, object-oriented methods are not yet adequately applicable in real-time software analysis and design. Object-oriented implementation technologies bring on certain features to embedded software that are tightly related to dynamic system behaviour. These features include dynamic instantiation, dynamic binding, object communication, object state behaviour and interacting concurrent objects. Present object-oriented modelling techniques do not provide adequate means to capture and to validate these features in the produced models. In general, present techniques are more advanced on static modelling than on behaviour modelling aspects. Therefore, further development of object-oriented modelling techniques and supporting tools is necessary. A promising approach to support modelling of dynamic system behaviour is to use graphical animation based on executable system models. Encouraging experiences have been already obtained with graphical animation when applied to the real-time system models developed using Ward and Mellor's SA/RT method. Animation enables capturing of essential information about the system behaviour and functionality in a graphic form, which facilitates the software engineer to understand and manage the behavioural complexity. The objective of this thesis is to study graphical animation of object-oriented models of embedded real-time software, especially focusing on behavioural aspects. First, the study aims to identify the required object-oriented animation features. Then, an animation framework based on the models of the OMT method is proposed. Finally, execution semantics and rules are outlined at an informal level to achieve the ability to animate the models defined in the framework. The purpose is to provide a basis for the definition of formal execution semantics. The results of the study lay a foundation for further research on object-oriented graphical animation and for the implementation of object-oriented CASE tools featuring animation facilities
Original languageEnglish
QualificationMaster Degree
Awarding Institution
  • University of Oulu
  • Pulli, Petri, Supervisor, External person
  • Tervonen, Ilkka, Supervisor, External person
Place of PublicationEspoo
Print ISBNs951-38-4645-8
Publication statusPublished - 1994
MoE publication typeG2 Master's thesis, polytechnic Master's thesis


  • computer animation
  • object-oriented methods
  • real-time systems
  • real-time software
  • embedded systems
  • visual languages
  • animation
  • simulation


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