A fuel cell system and a method and apparatus for starting a fuel cell stack

Pauli Koski (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    The invention concerns fuel cell systems and methods for converting chemical energy of a fuel containing hydrogen into electricity. According to the invention, a fuel cell stack (21) is provided having at least one anode and one cathode separated by a proton-exchange membrane. A fuel transport circuit (22) feeds fuel to the fuel cell stack, and a temperature control system is adapted to control the temperature of the fuel cell stack by circulating a coolant medium through said fuel cell stack. The temperature control system includes a pump (24a) for circulating the coolant medium, a heater unit (26) connected to a coolant transport circuit (24) for heating the coolant with a PTC heater, a heat radiation unit (27) connected to the coolant transport circuit for removing excess heat, and a temperature sensor. In response to a startup condition of the fuel cell stack, a controller is adapted to read a temperature signal indicative of the fuel cell stack temperature, to bypass the heat radiation unit, if the fuel cell stack temperature is below a first predetermined value, and to connect electric power generated by said fuel cell stack to be started-up to said PTC heater (26).

    Patent family as of 22.12.2021
    EP3815166 A1 20210505 EP20190737155 20190626      
    FI128599 B 20200831 FI20180005606 20180629      
    FI20185606 A 20191230 FI20180005606 20180629      
    JP2021530083 T2 20211104 JP20200573212T 20190626      
    US2021210776 AA 20210708 US20200058674 20190626      
    WO20002773 A1 20200102 WO2019FI50501 20190626

    Link to currentpatent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFI20185606
    IPCH05B 3/ 00 A I
    Priority date29/06/18
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2019
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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