A method and a mill system in connection with coating and filling a web

Riku Pihko (Inventor), Petri Pihko (Inventor), Teemu Turunen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent application


The present patent application relates to a web coating process, a coated web obtainable by the web coating process, a web coating device as well as a web mill system comprising said web coating device, wherein precipitated calcium carbonate is manufactured during the web coating process or in the web coating device.

Patent family as of 4.1.2024

DE112007003516 T5 20100429 DE200711003516T 20070621

WO08154961 A1 20081224 WO2007EP56212 20070621

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2008154961 A1
IPCD21H 19/ 38 A I
Priority date21/06/07
Publication statusPublished - 24 Dec 2008
MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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