A method for dissolving cellulose and a cellulosic product obtained from a solution comprising dissolved cellulose

Marianna Vehviläinen (Inventor), Pertti Nousiainen (Inventor), Taina Kamppuri (Inventor), Maija Järventausta (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    The present invention relates to a method for dissolving cellulose. The method comprises - introducing cellulosic raw material, - treating the cellulosic raw material in an enzymatic treatment process, - mixing the cellulosic raw material after the enzymatic treatment in an aqueous solution in order to obtain an aqueous intermediate product containing the cellulosic raw material of at least 3.5 wt.-%, alkali metal hydroxide between 3.5 wt.-% and 7 wt.-% and zinc salt, - freezing the intermediate product to a solid state, and - melting the frozen intermediate product. The present invention also relates to a cellulosic product obtained from a solution comprising dissolved cellulose.

    Patent family as of 7.9.2021
    CA2723573 AA 20101104 CA20092723573 20090506      
    CA2723573 C 20161115 CA20092723573 20090506      
    CN102037019 A 20110427 CN200980116326 20090506      
    CN102037019B 20140402 CN200980116326 20090506      
    DE602008047850D1 20170126 DE200860047850T 20080506      
    EP2116557 A1 20091111 EP20080397510 20080506      
    EP2116557 B1 20161214 EP20080397510 20080506      
    IN301706 B 20181005 IN2010DN07547 20101026      
    RU2010150201 A 20120827 RU20100150201 20090506      
    RU2500687 C2 20131210 RU20100150201 20090506      
    US2011112286 AA 20110512 US20090991299 20090506      
    US8492125 BB 20130723 US20090991299 20090506      
    WO09135875 A1 20091112 WO2009EP55479 20090506

    Link to current patent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP2116557 A1
    IPCD01F 2/02
    Priority date6/05/08
    Filing date6/05/08
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Nov 2009
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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