A microfluidic chip and a method for the manufacture of a microfluidic chip

Tiina Maaninen (Inventor), Annukka Kokkonen (Inventor), Marika Kurkinen (Inventor), Sanna Aikio (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    A novel microfluidic chip is proposed for performing a chemical or biochemical test in a metered reaction volume (32). The microfluidic chip (100) has a body (200) which defines an inner flow volume. An inlet (10) has been provided to the body (200) for connecting the inner flow volume to the ambient space. A waste channel (20) forms part of the inner flow volume and is in fluid communication with the inlet (10). A sample channel (30) also forms part of the inner flow volume and is in fluid communication with the inlet (10). The sample channel (30) includes a first hydrophobic stop (61) and a second hydrophobic stop (62) at a distance from the first hydrophobic stop (61) so as to provide a metered reaction volume (32) there between. An expelling channel (40) is in fluid communication with the metered reaction volume (32) of the sample channel (30) through the first hydrophobic stop (61). A sample reservoir (51) is in fluid communication with the metered reaction volume (32) of the sample channel (30) through the second hydrophobic stop (62).

    Patent family as of 22.12.2021
    CN110891686 A 20200317 CN201880044196 20180625      
    EP3645165 A1 20200506 EP20180823238 20180625      
    EP3645165 A4 20210317 EP20180823238 20180625      
    FI128087 B 20190913 FI20170005637 20170630      
    FI20175637 A 20181231 FI20170005637 20170630      
    US2021146357 AA 20210520 US20190627373 20180625      
    WO19002678 A1 20190103 WO2018FI50492 20180625

    Link to current patent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFI20175637
    IPCG01N 35/ 00 A N
    Priority date30/06/17
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2018
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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