A near-field uhf identification system and a method for identifying an object or the kind of an object that is or contains electrically conductive material using near-field identification

Kaarle Jaakkola (Inventor), Petteri Koivu (Inventor), Kaj Nummila (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A near-field identification system comprises: i) an object that is or contains electrically conductive material; and ii) an ultra-high radio-frequency microstrip transponder comprising a microstrip line and an identification microchip connected to the microstrip line; and wherein: the microstrip transponder being on the object at a location where the object has an electrically conductive region, the line following at least one edge of the object. The system is configured, when identification system is being interrogated by an interrogator from below of the system, in such a manner that an identification signal from the identification microchip is transmittable from the microstrip line via magnetic near field induced by electric current on the edge of the object to below the object in such a manner that the identification microchip is identifiable. The patent application contains also an independent claim for a method for identifying an object or the kind of an object that is or contains electrically conductive material using near-field identification

Patent family as of 15.10.2021
CN104718711 A 20150617 CN201380034628 20130620      
CN104718711 B 20181019 CN201380034628 20130620      
EP2867996 A1 20150506 EP20130752935 20130620      
EP2867996 B1 20190807 EP20130752935 20130620      
JP2015524584 T2 20150824 JP20150519419T 20130620      
JP6121530 B2 20170426 JP20150519419T 20130620      
US2015341088 AA 20151126 US20130410579 20130620      
US9900058 BB 20180220 US20130410579 20130620      
WO14001976 A1 20140103 WO2013IB55061 20130620

Link to current patent family on right 

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP2867996
IPCH04B 5/ 00 A I
Priority date20/06/13
Publication statusPublished - 6 May 2015
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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