A simple method for the determination of mercury in rocks by activation analysis

Rolf Rosenberg, A. Salmela

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


A description is given of a method for the determination of mercury in rocks; its main feature is the rapid separation of mercury. The irradiated sample is heated in an induction furnace, and the mercury vapours expelled are adsorbed on filterpaper impregnated with selenium. The yield of separation is 90%, and the total time taken by the procedure is about 6 minutes. This method has been applied for the determination of mercury in 8 USGS standard rocks; the results obtained indicate a precision of +-10-20%. The homogeneity of the standard samples is discussed. Samples were irradiated for 12 hours in the central thimble of the TRIGA MARK II reactor of the Reactor Laboratory at a thermal flux of 1013cm-2s-1. After decay for 1-2 days of short-lived isotopes the separation of mercury was performed. (F.Gy.)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)23-30
JournalRadiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters
Publication statusPublished - 1975
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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