A tool for creating demonstrations of cooperative systems

Tuomo Tuikka, Jouni Kokkoniemi, Tuomo Lalli, Kari Kuutti

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter or book articleProfessional


This report describes a tool which can be used to demonstrate cooperative systems. We have named it as MOI-tool. The tool has been built for Apple Macintosh computers in network using HyperCard. The tool has two purposes: research and practical purpose. The research purpose is connected with the primitive operations and their relationship with the notations, describing mechanisms of interaction used in cooperative work. The practical purpose is to support quick and easy creation of demonstrations of cooperative interfaces in multiple workstation. Thus, it should be easy to create demonstrations for example of calendar, flow control or state control applications between many workstations. The demonstrations should work in a way sufficient enough to support discussions with possible users of similar systems, furthermore users should better understand how proper application could help them in their work.
The report is divided into two main sections. First section explains the idea of how tool has been designed, what kind of ideas we have had and what are the conclusions where we are at the moment. Second section (third section) is a manual and an example of how a user can build a demonstration.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationA Notation for Computational Mechanisms of Interaction
Subtitle of host publicationCOMIC Deliverable D3.3
EditorsCarla Simone
PublisherCOMIC Project
ISBN (Print)0-901800-56-2
Publication statusPublished - Sept 1994
MoE publication typeD2 Article in professional manuals or guides or professional information systems or text book material


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