Advantage of redundancy in the controllability of remote handling manipulator

Ali Muhammad (Corresponding Author), J. Mattila, M. Vilenius, Mikko Siuko, L. Semeraro

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    To carry out a variety of remote handling operations inside the ITER divertor a Water Hydraulic MANipulator (WHMAN) and its control system have been designed and developed at Tampere University of Technology. The manipulator is installed on top of Cassette Multifunctional Mover (CMM) to assist during the cassette removal and installation operations. While CMM is designed to carry heavy components such as cassettes through the service ducts relying on positioning accuracy and repeatability, WHMAN is designed to execute a mix of remote handling operations using position trajectories and master-slave telemanipulation. WHMAN is composed of eight joints: six rotational and two translational. Since a manipulator requires only six joints to acquire the desired position and orientation in operational-space, the two additional joints of WHMAN provide the redundant degrees of mobility. This paper presents how this redundancy of WHMAN can be an advantage to optimize the execution of remote handling tasks. The paper also discusses an effective way to practically exploit the redundancy. The results show that the additional degrees of freedom can be utilized to improve the dynamic behavior of the manipulator.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1882-1885
    Number of pages4
    JournalFusion Engineering and Design
    Issue number9-11
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed
    Event26th Symposium of Fusion Technology, SOFT-26 - Porto, Portugal
    Duration: 27 Sept 20101 Oct 2010
    Conference number: 26


    • Divertor maintenance
    • manipulability index
    • remote handling
    • robotics
    • water hydraulics


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