Aleación de circonio con resistencia a la corrosión y temperatura de servicio mejorada para usar en el revestimiento del combustible y las partes estructurales del núcleo de un reactor nuclear

Translated title of the contribution: Zirconium alloys with improved corrosion resistance and service temperature for use in the fuel cladding and core structural parts of a nuclear reactor

Pedro A. Ferreirós (Inventor), Gerardo H. Rubiolo (Inventor), Paula Alonso (Inventor), Mariano Forti (Inventor), Pablo Gargano (Inventor), Laura Kniznik (Inventor), Liliana Lanzani (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent application

Translated title of the contributionZirconium alloys with improved corrosion resistance and service temperature for use in the fuel cladding and core structural parts of a nuclear reactor
Original languageSpanish
Patent numberAR110991A1
Filing date21/02/18
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2019
MoE publication typeNot Eligible

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