Analysing and supporting R & D project evaluation: An applied systems analytic approach: Dissertation

Erkki Ormala

Research output: ThesisDissertationMonograph


In order to improve R & D project evaluation it is not sufficient merely to develop better evaluation methods.It is also necessary to develop the principles governing the use of the methods.R & D project evaluation should be supported by an explicit evalu ation support system.In this study an applied systems analytic framework, in which mathematical decision models are used for modeling the evaluation process, was developed for the design of such a system.The modeling is aimed at examining the process and choosing and adjusting an appropriate evaluation method.A new decision model - the approximate reasoning model was developed on the basis of the theory of fuzzy decision making.The new model is in some respects more appropriate for the modeling of evaluation processes than previous decision models.The approximate reasoning model can also be used as an R & D project evaluation method.The analysing framework and the approximate reasoning model were applied to the evaluation of completed projects at the Technical Research Centre of Finland. The evaluation processes of three laboratory directors were examined.The approximate reasoning model turned out to represent adequately the ideal evaluation processes of the laboratory directors.However, the basic problem of the evaluation was not associ ated with the intuitive aggregation of the multiple attributes but rather with the high interdependencies among the attributes.Consequently, no major improvements could be attained by using any method supporting the aggregation.It was therefore con cluded that the best way to develop the evaluation would be an arrangement in which the laboratory directors evaluate the projects together with the members of the steering committees, who evaluate the projects differently.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor Degree
Awarding Institution
  • Helsinki University of Technology
  • Vasko, Tibor, Supervisor, External person
Place of PublicationEspoo
Print ISBNs951-38-2611-2
Publication statusPublished - 1986
MoE publication typeG4 Doctoral dissertation (monograph)


  • research projects
  • evaluation
  • fuzzy systems


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