Analysis of the OECD/NEA SFR benchmark with ants reduced-order nodal diffusion solver and the serpent Monte Carlo code

Marton Szogradi*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in a proceedings journalScientificpeer-review


In order to meet modern industrial and scientific demands the Kraken multi-physics platform's development was recently launched at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. The neutronic solver of the framework consists of two calculation chains, providing full core solutions by the Serpent high fidelity code (1) and the AFEN/FENM-based reduced-order diffusion solver called Ants (2) capable of handling square and hexagonal geometries in steady-state. Present work introduces the simulation of a large 3600 MWth Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) described within the activities of the Working Party on Scientific Issues of Reactor Systems (WPRS) of OECD. Full-core 3D results were obtained by Serpent for carbide- and oxide-fuel cores, moreover group constants were generated for Ants utilizing 2D super-cell and single assembly infinite lattice models of Serpent. The continuous-energy Monte Carlo method provided the reference results for the verification of the reduced-order method. Implementing the spatially homogenized properties, 3D solutions were obtained by Ants as well for both core configurations. Comparison was made between the various core designs and codes based on reactivity feedbacks (Doppler constant, sodium voiding, control rod worth) considering power distributions. Regarding reactivity sensitivity on geometry, axial fuel- and radial core expansion coefficients were evaluated as well.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)846-854
Number of pages9
JournalEPJ Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 2020
MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
EventInternational Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2020: Transition to a Scalable Nuclear Future - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 28 Mar 20202 Apr 2020


  • Ants
  • Nodal diffusion solver
  • Serpent
  • SFR


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