Analytical method for determining the concentration of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose in a sample: (patent application)

Atte Mikkelson (Inventor), Jaakko Pere (Inventor), Antti Laukkanen (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent application


    The present invention provides a method for determining carbonyl ratio and/or concentration of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose in a sample. In accordance with the invention oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose comprised in the sample is enzymatically hydrolyzed into oxidized cellobioses which are specific markers to oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose. The cellobioses may be then analyzed and quantified to reveal the amount of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose in the sample. A method for determining the concentration of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose in a sample comprises steps of providing an analytical sample of material comprising oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose;hydrolyzing the analytical sample to breakdown products of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulosein presence of one or more enzymes; subjecting the breakdown products to a separation analysis to reveal the relative amounts of the breakdown products; and determining the concentration of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose.

    Patent 2908852

    Analytical method for determining the concentration of oxidized nanofibrillar cellulose in a sample | Request PDF. Available from: [accessed Sep 18 2018].
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2014167189 A1
    IPCG01N 33/34
    Priority date12/04/13
    Filing date11/04/14
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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