Anomalous transport and multi-scale drift turbulence dynamics in tokamak ohmic discharge as measured by high resolution diagnostics and modeled by full-f gyrokinetic code

E.Z. Gusakov, A.B. Altukhov, V.V. Bulanin, A.D. Gurchenko, Jukka Heikkinen, S.J. Janhunen, S. Leerink, L.A. Esipov, M.Y. Kantor, T.P. Kiviniemi, T. Korpilo, D.V. Kouprienko, S.I. Lashkul, A.V. Petrov, N.V. Teplova

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36 Citations (Scopus)


Quantitative reproduction of selected micro-, meso- and macro-scale transport phenomena as measured in the FT-2 tokamak is reached by Elmfire global full-f nonlinear gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulation predictions. A detailed agreement with mean equilibrium flows, oscillating fine-scale zonal flows and turbulence radial correlation length observed by a set of sophisticated microwave backscattering techniques, as well as a good fit of the thermal diffusivity data in the central and gradient region of discharge are demonstrated. Both the shift and the broadening of the power spectrum of synthetic and experimental Doppler reflectometry diagnostics have been found to overlap perfectly at various radial positions, indicating similar rotation and spreading of the selected density fluctuations. At the same time similar radial electric field dynamics, spatial structure and outward geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) propagation have been observed by comparisons of the probability distribution function, the dominant frequency, the coherence and the cross-phase of the simulated and experimentally measured radial electric field fluctuations, identifying the turbulent driven GAM as a key contributor to the observed strong temporal variation of the radial electric field affected by impurity ions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number124034
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2013
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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