Antenna array and method for manufacturing thereof

Jussi Säily (Inventor), Antti Lamminen (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided antenna array comprising: a plurality of parallel antenna elements arranged on a printed circuit board laminate comprising a flexible substrate layer on a rigid substrate layer comprising portions specific to one or more antenna elements, said flexible substrate layer comprising a feed network, wherein the rigid substrate layer is configured movable between a first arrangement of the portions of the rigid substrate layer, where the antenna array has a planar form, and a second arrangement of the portions of the rigid substrate layer, where the antenna array is curved around one or more axes.

    Patent family as of 22.12.2021
    EP3711114 A1 20200923 EP20180793700 20181008      
    FI128822 B 20201231 FI20170006018 20171115      
    FI20176018 A 20190516 FI20170006018 20171115      
    US2020335847 AA 20201022 US20180764002 20181008      
    WO19097109 A1 20190523 WO2018FI50718 20181008

    Link to current patent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFI20176018
    IPCF21V 21/ 10 A N
    Priority date15/11/17
    Publication statusPublished - 16 May 2019
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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