A processor architecture arrangement for emulated shared memory (ESM) architectures, comprises a number of, preferably a plurality of, multi-threaded processors each provided with interleaved inter-thread pipeline, wherein the pipeline comprises a plurality of functional units arranged in series for executing arithmetic, logical and optionally further operations on data, wherein one or more functional units of lower latency are positioned prior to the memory access segment in said pipeline and one or more long latency units (LLU) for executing more complex operations associated with longer latency are positioned operatively in parallel with the memory access segment. In some embodiments, the pipeline may contain multiple branches in parallel with the memory access segment, each branch containing at least one long latency unit.
Patent family as of 21.10.2021
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US2016314001 AA 20161027 US20140105583 20141216
WO15092131 A1 20150625 WO2014FI51002 20141216
Link to current patent family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | EP2887207 |
IPC | G06F 9/ 38 A I |
Priority date | 19/12/13 |
Publication status | Published - 24 Jun 2015 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |