Are we too capitalists for a comfortable life? Business models for future and existing flat building administration

Zsolt Nagy, Ludovic Fülöp, Asko Talja

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


    In Romania, after the changes in 1989, most flats in existing buildings were sold to the occupants. This was a sort of "getting back" for those people who lost their private property, but another reason of this decision was the missing centralized management capacity of the administration. Looking back now and analyzing from the point of view of how property was redefined at that time, we can say with no doubts: it was made in a wrong way, and as time passes this will become a disaster. Tremendous progress was made in the last twenty years in any areas of life, but the existing stock of flat buildings still regresses from all points of view. The pushed administration model for new flat buildings also produces similar negative effects. The reason can be found on one hand in the way how private property division was done. On the other hand the so called "owner administration" model in most of the cases cannot work efficiently due to lack of knowledge, division, overemphasizing individual interest etc. This paper makes an up to date analysis of present Romanian situation and propose business models for existing and new flat building administration in order to improve the comfort and life quality of the owners of such kind of private properties.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)205-210
    JournalCalitatea - Access la succes
    Issue numberSupplement 5
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed
    Event2nd International Conference on Quality and Innovation in Engineering and Management (QIEM) - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    Duration: 22 Nov 201224 Nov 2012


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