Arrangement for and NFC compatible mobile device for delayed transfer of an established friend connection and a related method: Järjestely NFC-yhteensopivalle mobiililaitteelle muodostetun kaveriyhteyden viivästettyä siirtoa varten ja tähän liittyvä menetelmä

Tuomo Tuikka (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


An arrangement for an NFC compatible mobile device for delayed transfer of an established friend connection and a related method. The arrangement is suitable, for example, for delaying the transmission of information about a friend connection established over the NFC relative to another NFC compatible device to a remote device, such as a server, in that case the network connection is not available or does not fulfill a predetermined criterion.

Patent family as of 28.12.2021

 Publication number  Publication date Application number  Application date

 DE602010064458 D1 20200618 DE201060064458T 20100409    

 EP2417787 A1 20120215 EP20100761238 20100409

 EP2417787 A4 20141203 EP20100761238 20100409

 EP2417787 B1 20200527 EP20100761238 20100409

 FI121948 B 20110615 FI20090005397 20090409

 FI20095397 A 20101010 FI20090005397 20090409 

 FI20095397 A0 20090409 FI20090005397 20090409 

 US2012028578 AA 20120202 US20100260628 20100409   

 US8644760 BB 20140204 US20100260628 20100409   

 WO10116043 A1 20101014 WO2010FI50287 20100409  

Link to current patent family on right

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS8644760 B2
Priority date9/04/10
Publication statusPublished - 4 Feb 2014
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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