Assessment of RELAP/MOD2 cycle 36.04, Against the Loviisa-2 stuck-open turbine by-pass valve transient on September 1, 1991

Vesa Yrjölä

Research output: Book/ReportReport


An overcooling type transient that took place in the LOVIISA Unit 2 has been analyzed using the RELAP5/MOD2 code. The code version was cycle 36.04.

The Loviisa Power Plant consists of two Soviet VVER-440 type pressurized water reactors having a net electric output of 445 MWe each. In VVER-440 reactors, the primary circuit comprises six parallel loops, each with a horizontal steam generator, a main circulation pump and main loop isolation gate valves. The reactor has significant differences compared to a typical western PWR, such as loop seals both in the hot and cold leg and horizontal steam generators.

The transient that occurred on September 1, 1981 was initiated from full power by a reactor trip. Incorrect operation of the level gauges in four steam generators caused the trip signal. An associated stuck-open failure of one turbine by-pass valve caused a fast cool-down. The high pressure safety injection started to operate, but was quickly turned off by the operator. The downcomer temperature decreased from 265 °C to 215 °C in fifteen minutes. The cooling down ceased when the operator closed the shut-off valve of the open by-pass line.

Although the plant data are not gathered as comprehensively as those from the extensively instrumented test facilities, the real plant transients are important in order to verify the scaling capability of the current one-dimensional codes to large three-dimensional power plants. The transient data together with the start-up commissioning tests also form a good data base when the applicability of the nodalization model for accident analysis is tested.

This work was performed at the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) in co-operation with the utility Imatran Voima Oy (IVO), which owns and operates these plants. Many people in both organizations have contributed to the work and their support and assistance is acknowledged.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWashington
PublisherU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Number of pages81
Publication statusPublished - 1992
MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

Publication series

SeriesU.S. NRC International Agreements
NumberNUREG/IA 0047


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