Assessment of scrape-off layer simulations with drifts against L-mode experiments in ASDEX upgrade and JET

Leena Aho-Mantila, G. Conway, H.W. Müller, S. Potzel, D. Coster, M. Wischmeier, A. Meigs, M. Stamp

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


    Numerical simulations of divertor power and particle fluxes in L-mode exhaust scenarios are presented, in comparison to experiments in the full-metal devices ASDEX Upgrade and JET. The simulations are performed using the plasma fluid – Monte Carlo neutrals code package SOLPS5.0, with cross-field drift terms activated. We present a validation of the simulation results against dedicated benchmark experiments with and without nitrogen seeding and discuss the effect of drifts on the modelled divertor asymmetries. At low power dissipation levels, asymmetric divertor conditions are obtained in the simulations as a result of E × B drifts, and the modelled volume distributions of particles and energy are largely confirmed by the multiple experimental measurements in both devices. In high-recycling conditions close to the roll-over of the ion fluxes at the target plates, the measured ion fluxes exceed the simulated levels by up to a factor of 6. The discrepancy between the modelled and measured target ion flux evolution is stronger when the divertor conditions are controlled by increasing the deuterium fuelling, in comparison to increasing the impurity-seeding level at constant line-averaged density.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference
    Subtitle of host publicationProgramme, Book of Abstracts, and Linked Contributions
    PublisherInternational Atomic Energy Agency IAEA
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings
    Event25th Fusion Energy Conference, IAEA FEC 2014 - St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
    Duration: 13 Oct 201418 Oct 2014 (Full proceedings)


    Conference25th Fusion Energy Conference, IAEA FEC 2014
    Abbreviated titleIAEA FEC 2014
    Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
    Internet address


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