Autogenous volume changes at early ages

Markku Leivo, Erika Holt

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    Concrete shrinkage is of increasing concern when making durable structures. Over time, the shrinkage induces cracking can severely decrease the concrete life expectancy. These volume changes are often attributed to drying of the concrete, in which the particles are drawn closer together with the moisture loss to the surrounding environment. It is generally expected to occur over a long time period, though recent observations have focused on early age or plastic drying problems. In this phase the concrete is still moist after mixing. Difficulties in measuring have prevented extensive understanding of the influences on plastic shrinkage. The most common solution is to avoid drying by proper curing methods occurring soon after placement of the concrete. A supplementary problem to the drying shrinkage at early ages is the changes that occur when no moisture transfer is permitted with the environment. This volume reduction is called autogenous shrinkage, which is attributed to chemistry and internal structural changes. At 100% RH, a specimen will still undergo a horizontal and vertical shrinkage. The vertical shrinkage is settlement occurring as a result of excess bleed water migrating to the concrete surface and the aggregates settling. The horizontal autogenous shrinkage is of concern and interest, as it can result in unpreventable cracks. It is this problem which needs further investigation in order to improve the durability of concrete.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSelf-desiccation and its importance in concrete technology
    Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of an International research seminar in Lund, June 10, 1997
    EditorsBertil Persson, Göran Fagerlund
    Place of PublicationLund
    PublisherLund University
    ISBN (Print)91-630-5528-7
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    EventInternational research seminar in Lund - Lund, Sweden
    Duration: 10 Jun 199710 Jun 1997

    Publication series

    SeriesLund University: Division of Building Materials. Report TVBM


    SeminarInternational research seminar in Lund


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