Automated test reuse for product families

Mika Salmela, Jukka Korhonen, Jarmo Kalaoja

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


    This paper proposes a testing method applicable for validating configured software products.The configuring of test material in this particular method is based on software configuration.This kind of approach calls for a formal software production process, which uses product features or requirements.The method proposes links between product features and tests.The key issues of test configuration and management are discussed.These include test componentisation, test suite structuring, and tool support.The approach is demonstrated and evaluated by means of an example system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationQuality Week Europe Proceedings 1999
    Number of pages13
    Publication statusPublished - 1999
    MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings
    EventSoftware Quality Week Europe, QWE '99 - Brussels, Belgium
    Duration: 1 Nov 19995 Nov 1999


    ConferenceSoftware Quality Week Europe, QWE '99


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