Availability performance of pulp and paper processes

Helena Kortelainen, Jari Konola, Saku Pursio, Pasi Ristimäki

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


    Availability performance is an efficiency measure which can be calculated for any item - from a piece of equpment to a whole production line. Detailed avalablitity performance analysis oa a production line requires a model which takes into account the logical structure of the system. As input data, mean times between failures and mean times to repair or their corresponding statistical distributions are required for each item. The input data can be supplemented with infromation on the duration of preventive maintenance events and the intervals between. Several systems to collect the availability data exist a process plants, but often the data is recorded in such a form that it is diffucult to use. The proposed recording an dclassification system for the availability data includes, for instance, failure cause and its consequence. The objective of the availability performance modelling and improved data management is to offer the pulp and paper plants and the machninery manufactures better tools to improve equipment reliability and efficency of their production systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)39-43
    JournalAutomation Technology Review
    Publication statusPublished - 1999
    MoE publication typeD1 Article in a trade journal


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