BIM-based Safety Management and Communication for Building Construction

Markku Kiviniemi, Kristiina Sulankivi, Kalle Kähkönen, Tarja Mäkelä, Maija-Leena Merivirta

    Research output: Book/ReportReport

    39 Citations (Scopus)


    This report presents the main results of the BIM Safety research project (BIM-based Safety management and Communication System) carried out April 2009 - June 2011. The main objective of the research was to develop procedures and use of BIM technology for safety planning, management, and communications, as part of the 4D-construction planning. Piloting BIM-based procedures in real on-going building projects was the main development method used, meaning hands on trials with the state of the art software, consultations and support by the participating companies, and feedback data collection from case projects. All together seven different field trials were carried out to study the possibilities and development needs of BIM technology from the viewpoint of safety. BIM technologies are moving from the worlds of architecture and engineering to the arenas of construction companies and other players in charge of construction operations. 4D-BIM was recognised as a central technology for construction site safety related planning activities, connecting the safety viewpoint more closely to construction planning, enabling visualization of safety arrangements in construction projects at different moments of time, and providing more illustrative site plans for communication. As a starting point it was considered that BIM technologies could present a new way to solve still existing site safety problems. The experiments have been sources for an improved understanding to apply BIM technologies for the purpose of site safety planning and management. The BIM-based site layout plan itself, or as bases for crane reach/collapse analysis, proved to be a versatile and useful visualization source, and is constituting one clear use case of building information modelling in the construction industry. BIM-based falling prevention planning, various 4D visualizations including temporary site equipment and arrangements, as well as visualizations concerning demolition work are in their early stages. However, these seems to have potential to become novel and good visual support for planning, discussing, managing and communicating safety related issues at building site. Additionally, there are existing and arising new technologies that can be used together with BIM-based 3D or 4D material to promote safety, such as information display screens and virtual reality rooms (such as the tested CAVE). However, more experience is needed concerning 4D safety simulation as well as further development of modelling tools such as object libraries, and site progress/status data recording and storing solutions to broaden the use of the BIM-based safety planning in the design-build process.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationEspoo
    PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
    Number of pages128
    ISBN (Electronic)978-951-38-7783-5
    ISBN (Print)978-951-38-7782-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible

    Publication series

    SeriesVTT Tiedotteita - Research Notes


    • construction planning
    • safety planning
    • building information modelling
    • 4D
    • site planning


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