title = "Bioenergian tutkimusohjelma: Vuosikirja 1995: Osa I Puupolttoaineiden tuotantotekniikka",
abstract = "Bioenergy Research Programme is one of the energy technology research programmes of the Technology Development Center TEKES. The aim of the Bioenergy Research Programme is to increase, by using technical research and development, the economically profitable and environmentally sound utilisation of bioenergy, to improve the competitiveness of present peat and wood fuels, and to develop new competitive fuels and equipment related to bioenergy. The funding for 1995 was nearly 52 million FIM and the number of projects 66. The main goal of the wood fuels research area is to develop new production methods in order to decrease the production costs to the level of imported fuels. The total potential of the wood fuel use should be at least 1.0 million toe/a (5.5 million m³). During the year 1995 There were over 30 projects concerning the production of wood derived fuels going on. Nearly half of them focused on integrated production of pulp wood and wood fuel. About ten projects was carried out to promote the wood fuel production from logging residues. Other topics were firewood production, production logistics and wood fuel resources. For production of fuel chips from logging residues, a new chipper truck, MOHA-SISU, was introduced. The new machine gives a new logistic solution resulting in high productivity and reasonable operating costs. In Mikkeli region three years of active work promoted the usage of wood fuel in a district power plant to the level of over 110 000 m³ of fuel chips. The production costs tend to be a little high in average, and the production chain still needs to be improved.",
keywords = "biomass, bioenergy, biofuels, wood, wood fuels, wood chips, harvesting, logging residues, forests, costs, logistics",
editor = "Eija Alakangas",
note = "Project code: ENE43202",
year = "1996",
language = "Finnish",
isbn = "952-9500-75-0",
series = "Bioenergian tutkimusohjelma. Julkaisuja",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
address = "Finland",