Business models for MaaS

Aki Aapaoja, Jenni Eckhardt, Lasse Nykänen

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    Changes in the society, for instance tightening environmental and financial targets, require new ways of organizing transport and mobility. Cities have challenges with emissions and congestion while rural areas have problems organizing transport services efficiently due to long distances, sparse population and narrow flows of people and goods. Thus, a collaboration of different stakeholders and combining different transport services are a prerequisite for viable and attractive MaaS services. MaaS business models presented in this study are based on the findings of two MaaS projects: European MAASiFiE project studying the MaaS concept widely at European level, and a Finnish MaaS project concentrating on identifying and developing preconditions for accessible and lasting rural mobility. The business models can facilitate the development of MaaS services in different contexts, and especially in rural areas by offering extensive business models for service development. The focus is especially on MaaS durable business models for rural areas including the organizing of statutory social and health service transportation, which inefficiency has been a big debate in Finland. A total of five business models were identified including two commercial ones, one publicly operated and two different kinds of public-private models. The paper also discusses service agreements and revenue models of MaaS.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    Event1st International Conference on Mobility as a Service - Tampere, Finland
    Duration: 28 Nov 201729 Nov 2017


    Conference1st International Conference on Mobility as a Service
    Abbreviated titleICoMaaS


    • Mobility as a Service
    • MaaS, business models
    • mobility
    • transport
    • services
    • rural


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